Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Copy of Email To Join Class Action

Single Mother Wishes To Join Class Action‏
From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Tue 11/18/08 4:29 AM
To: washingtonstateextendedfamilies@live.com

Hello, I'm a single mother who is in the middle of a CPS case held in Wenatchee, Washington state. I have evidence of lying by state workers and the local AG and documentation to prove prejudice.

I also have evidence of collaboration between one state CPS and the next (which I moved to) which proves an attempt to stall and delay proceedings, and to quit all visitation between me and my son in order to break the parental bond, to set my son up to be adopted.

I am currently obtaining copies of audio recordings from hearings where the Judge told me, on the spot, that I had to be "pro se" after I asked for "reasonable public defense" (and got extremely negligent defense and I can prove it, and I can also prove conflicts of interest). In one hearing, the Judge tells me, on the spot, that I am to defend myself pro se, and knows I have no discovery in front of me and had no notice I would be pro se. He then HANGS up on me, when I protest, and when I tried to call back to get in, he refused, stating the hearing was taking place without me. This was a major hearing for Contested Sheltercare and Preliminary Fact Finding, and set me up to be railroaded in Fact Finding (where I STILL did not have discovery prior to the hearing).

I also have evidence that state workers had an agenda against me personally and were protecting doctors in the area (friends of theirs) which everyone knew I planned to sue, on my and my son's behalf, for medical malpractice.

These workers took my son from me, without cause (zero evidence of neglect OR abuse and went after us after we'd left the country legally, not being barred from leaving with a Protective Order, and being instructed by Olympia headquarters that it was legal to leave as long as there was not one in place) which resulted in severe trauma and damages to me and my son.

Afterwards, they delayed visitation even though my son was traumatized, in order to attempt to get my son to bond with my aunt's family (which were all strangers to him). Since then, they have made every effort to prevent me and my son from having proper visitation and adequate visitation, and then turn around and claim I am the one choosing to MISS visitation.

At any rate, I have evidence the state workers are dishonest, and that they have a pattern of dishonesty, as they perjured themselves on the record prior to taking my son, in another hearing for Fair Hearing. "The Department" lost Fair Hearing and when I asked for sanctions for perjury from the Judge, and he knew I had audio evidence, as did he, he claimed there were no such sanctions.

"The Department" then proceeded to try to force me and my son out of town, offering us a "one-way bus ticket to leave the state" and when I refused, they interferred directly with my ability to rent from anyone in town, lied about Emergency Assistance funding, and then drummed up a huge record of "allegations" which were unfounded, and they had alrready decided were unfounded, but which they included because they didn't have enough material to make me look bad enough to give Canada cause to believe my son and I should be kicked out of the country so CPS could have their way with us.

Since then, no attempt has been made at justice, and they know, in this town, that as long as my son is out of my guardianship, I cannot sue their doctors and medical professionals for medical malpractice on behalf of my son. They also know my aunt's family will not sue and they have made strenuous efforts to set this up so that my son is adopted out, and have made mention of this in court hearings, and their other singular objective has been to try to force me into a mental health evaluation by someone THEY know, in their small town, so they claim everything they've done was justified.

They took my son with zero diagnosis of any mental professional, that I was mentally ill, and they also lied and claimed I was drug-seeking when I was not, and also claimed I did NOT have all of the medical injuries I have, which required prescription painkillers because of the pain, not because I was an "addict". I had to go on them after a traumatic childbirth, where both me and my son were injured. We have some documentation of injury and illness, and CPS asked for dissemination of my personal medical records, in violation of HIPPA, in order to use what they already knew were slanderous chart notes about me from the doctors in town.

What was "missing" from the record, was all of the hard evidence which proved I and my son had severe damages from childbirth. I have X-rays and radiology reports which confirm a fractured pelvis, and calcification from healing of these fractures; a fractured and oddly displaced tailbone; evidence of cauda equina syndrome with a broken lower vertebrae or herniated disc (which resulted in my inability to urinate on my own, and then, to empty my bladder fully because of nerve compression); prolapse; 4th degree tears (which the hospital tried to disguise later as 3rd degree tears, after first writing them up as 4th degree); and my son had a head injury and was sick and had abnormally high bilirubin even 3 months after delivery. There are other things as well.

All of these documents, which prove real injury, CPS claimed, on the record, they "didn't have" or when I asked if they got them or saw them, they responded with "I don't remember".

In the meantime, they claimed I was delusional and that I had no injuries which required accomodation.

I can prove a concerted effort to disrupt my visitation rights and to attempt to set things up for my son to be adopted out, and I can prove intentional infliction of emotional distress and malice. These people wanted to retaliate against me.

Let me know if I may be of assistance in any way.

Cameo Garrett

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