Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Class Action Against Washington State CPS

I just found this--I'm going to see if I can join, and I'm also going to be able to prove Wenatchee CPS and the court system has repeatedly lied in my case and known they were lying, and discriminated against physical disability to prejudice my cas:

Class action lawsuit planned
Announcement From Washington Extended Families:

A national class action lawsuit will commence after September 10th should the adoption incentive be renewed (S 3038). All damaged persons can participate to include extended family, parents and former foster/adopt children. You do not have to be a party to any case to participate. There will be a request for damages. Interested parties should have a vested interest in the children removed and be able to prove a substantial relationship.

Also of extreme interest, is obtaining names/phone/location of CPS workers who are falsifying or have falsified documents in court and who have lied in a court setting. They can sue for government entrapment. The goal is to have case workers sue in all 50 states.

Send the case worker a note that states the following:

Dear ,

It has been brought to my attention that you may have falsified documents with dependency actions. If you have not acted dishonestly in the past and are now pressured by the state to remove and adopt out children in an unethical manner, you are entitled to damages.

It is of paramount concern to our nation that these actions be stopped. If you are interested at any time of participating in a class action lawsuit in your state, please write to washingtonstateextendedfamilies@live.com.

Jan D. Smith

August 21, 2008

Attention: Distinguished Members of Congress

Notice of legal intent with regards to S 3038

The People herewith declare that the renewal of the Adoption Incentives S 3038 called The Improved Adoption Incentives and Guardianship Support Act does violate the law under the Sherman Anti-trust Act. In addition, funds distributed to the states entrap state workers causing illegal acts not normally performed by said individuals prior to hire.

The People through discovery have found:

1. The imbalance of funding is creating corruption

2. Pathology has filtered through all manner of government and related agencies

3. Judicial decisions violate the public trust

4. Laws are created and passed that give parens patriae unlimited power not provided by the Constitution

5. The paradigm shift that accompanied a monopoly/monopsony strategy of funding extracted from dwindling Social Security is devastating families across America

6. Children̢۪s lives are at stake and are being killed 6-1 over parents per 100, 000

7. That the states are not following guidelines placing with relatives but are screening them out using different criteria with foster families

8. That pockets of tyranny are going unchecked without recourse

9. Congress is not responsive to The People

10. That The People also have compelling interest as an implied term

The People are declaring a public health crisis as a result of these findings and also:

In addition, The People find the Parens Patriae to be more than a doctrine but a specialized position created by the government for the government that violates Article 1 Sec 9, 10: No title of nobility or honour shall be granted by the United States. The title extends to the courts, Children̢۪s Administration and public education violating Amendment 14 depriving persons of life, liberty and property without due process. The position applies as a collective.

The People are ordering a cease and desist of the renewal of S 3038. Should action continue to commence, a nationwide class action lawsuit opposing Parens Patriae and the theft of Social Security to provide the continuing tyranny will be executed.

Jan D. Smith
Registered Lobbyist
Washington State Extended Families

Filed under: Activism — Linda @ 12:57 am


  1. My rights have been violated by CPS as well. How can I join in on this class action lawsuit? I don't want money, I just want my kids back!!

  2. Hello,

    Would you like to write to me? My email address is: cameocares@live.com and I would like to start keeping a list of people who have had their rights violated and start collecting facts of the cases. I could probably write a short synopsis of every single case that parents sent me, to bring awareness to the problem and specific caseworkers and state employees who seem problematic. Otherwise, i could keep IDs private and we should just assemble and get a lawyer to help us. I'm especially interested in Douglas-Chelan county cases. Thanks!

    Este es por mi amigos latinos quien tienes problemas con el estado Washington, quien tienes hijos en custodia del estado. Si tu tienes problemas con el estado, especialmentes en Douglas y Chelan county, esta possibles reciber abrogado por todos en un groupo a recibir dinero para el estado por violationes de tu rights civil y constitutional. Maybe si possible por nosotros recibir un person por este groupo quien sabes espanol y english por translation. Muchas gracias y si tu quieres escribeme, mi email esta: cameocares@live.com

  3. My grandchildren were removed from their home over a year ago. There were NEVER ANY neglect or abuse accusations.
    The children were placed with the wife of a relative to spite the fact that a child was KILLED in that same situation in our area recently. This person later just DUMPED the kids on my doorstep and CPS said "Oh well, that's ok." (I fought for them from the start but they said I wasn't ok then!)
    The stress has caused my family to fray TRAUMATIZED the kids. It continues today. I need help! This is Snohomish County but consider going w/a Federal Class Action. I'll help.

  4. Hi,

    For those who have written in asking for information about filing a federal class action, will you please write to me at my email address?

    We ARE going to do something about this. I have seen firsthand what these people can do and the violations they get away with are shocking. They are breaking the law. Sen. Roach is for Washington and she knows this.

    What we have to do, though, if you're serious, is start exchanging information: name, address, email address and contact info, and if you give me details of your case and what evidence you might have, I will gladly post it on my blog to bring attention to YOUR STORY.

    It's not just me, I know. So write me at:


    to be sure, if I don't respond when you email me, send another note to blogger, bc I have sometimes NOT been receiving my mail.

    Pass the word along. We can group and find a federal rights lawyer and present our cases and we'll contact Roach too.

  5. my rights have been violated my children were taken unlawfully and the caseworker im dealing with cant seem to ever tell the truth and its really causing more and more problems. i just dont know what to do but iknow if someone looked into my case they would see major descrepencies

  6. i just need someone to look into my case and see my rights were violated my kids were taken unlawfully there are major descrepncies. i want to join and get my kids back. my name is Destry Velasquez (253)312-5404 Tacoma washington case worker is naz quereshi

  7. Good luck to you. I'm not in a position to help but I hope someone will read your post and offer assistance.

    You might try contacting Pam Roach who is a Senator for WA state. I don't know though--for all the talk of class action, I've not seen any evidence that this is being done at this time.

    Keep recorded evidence safe and make copies and store in a safe location. I would recommend putting anything and everything you can in writing and to record when it is legal to record.

    The State of Oregon overturned their one-party consent recording law and it's not impossible other states could do the same, for good cause.

    No one will assist if you don't have something to show that is tangible--your word against theirs isn't sufficient even if I and others do believe you.

    As traumatic as it is to be in the middle of this, being highly organized, keeping good records, and storing them in a safe location cannot be stressed enough.

    Again, good luck to you.
