Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Continued Discrimination By Wenatchee Court

Below is another response to my request for hearing, where the court ignores the fact I requested hearing, and says ONE of the emails I sent with the title "Request for Audio" has been filed. Not only that, I went through my emails, and Juanita chose to respond to a thread which does NOT include my request for hearing, even though she received my request and my sent box confirms it was received:

RE: Request For Audio‏
From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Tue 11/18/08 3:45 AM
To: jkoch@co.douglas.wa.us

As you know, I sent several replies with the email title of "Request for Audio".

You know I made different requests, although the title was the same, and you were reading these requests
because you responded to more than one email entitled "Request for Audio" which had different content.

I want every single email that I sent, under the heading "Request for Audio", to be filed.

Any and all communications I make with this court, I wish to have filed, to create and preserve a record.

I do not believe anyone is fooled by an attempt to ignore my requests for hearing, by claiming the "title" hasn't changed.

I consider what this court continues to do, to be proof of intentional infliction of emotional distress and obstruction of justice. This court continually makes decisions which prejudices my case and makes it more difficult for me, when it is unnecessary. If your court decided to REFUSE reasonable counsel to me, and forces me to go pro se, your court also must be willing to accomodate for someone pro se, whom, YOU CLAIM, is disabled, because you agreed, on the record, that I was mentally ill and not fit to care for my son. This court cannot make the claim I am too mentally ill to care for my son, and yet claim at the same time I am well enough to represent myself in court.

All that is required, by law, to prove discrimination against disability, is evidence there is a "perceived" belief, RIGHT or WRONG, that an individual is disabled. This includes physical and mental disability.

Your court continues to screw itself, by wanting to have its cake and eat it too, and claim I'm mentally ill when it's convenient for protecting you from liability and then claim I am NOT mentally ill, and force me to represent myself and allow for prejudice to my case.

You will be sued, it is just a matter of timing, and if I were involved with this court, in any way, even as an administrator, I would take seriously the fact that agents of the Judge (secretaries and administrators) are directly the responsiblity of the Judge and that your actions are to be accounted for by him.

If you want to "help" Judge Hotchkiss, you may wish to remind him he is digging himself, and everyone else, into a hole.

I am going to send you my request for hearing again, with a different title.

I would like an immediate answer from the Judge as to whether he is honoring my request and scheduling or not.

If I am found mentally ill, your court will be in a position to be sued for discrimination against a disability. If I am NOT found mentally ill, your court will be in a position to be sued for taking my son without cause, when there was zero cause and grounds for taking him to begin with, and for railroading over my right to discovery prior to any trial, and to fair notice that I was going to be required to be pro se.

Choose your poison.

Cameo Garrett

From: jkoch@co.douglas.wa.us
To: cameocares@live.com
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 11:14:59 -0800
Subject: RE: Request For Audio

If it is your email dated November 10th.........entitled Request for Audio....then it has been filed....

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