Friday, November 14, 2008

Copy of Request To Judge Hotchkiss For Hearing (Modification of Visitation and Establishment of Disability)

This is a copy of my emailed request to Judge Hotchkiss and the court, to schedule a hearing so I can have my telephone visitation reinstated with my son. This request keeps getting ignored and still, the court has not set up a hearing. Also, I've requested an order that certain medical records. CPS and the AG claimed "I don't remember" when I asked them in Fact Finding, if they had seen these records. The records they "didn't remember" seeing, and omitted from the evidence, were records which prove I have injuries and disabilities from a traumatic childbirth. I am also requesting certain records which prove my son was having problems which they "didn't remember seeing" and which they didn't have for the Fact Finding hearing, to be procured for the court.

RE: Request For Audio‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 11/14/08 5:01 AM

Okay, well, I have just made a request for ANOTHER hearing, which is specifically for reinstatement of my telephone visitation, which would be a modification of an order if there is any such order (which I've not received).

I have made my request for hearing, and I expect Judge Hotchkiss, if you are forwarding these requests to him, to fit it into his calendar.

I also ask that another matter be addressed in the same hearing where I want testimony from the Avilas, and that is an order requiring CPS and the AG to obtain the medical records and radiology reports they CLAIMED, in the Fact Finding hearing, that they didn't have, lost, or "couldn't remember".

CPS requested release of all my medical records, against regulations of HIPPA, and without my being represented or given enough notice that I was going to be forced to go pro se. I had no way to defend myself, and, not knowing they were going to ask for my medical records, had no way to prepare for a defense in writing.

Since they DID get my medical records, I find it queer that they claim to have receive deverything EXCEPT the records which clearly show I have medical damage from childbirth.

I specifically asked them if they had these records and they claimed "not to know".

Because the elimination or withholding of these records from the Judge directly prejudices my rights to accomodations for disability, I am requesting an order from Judge Hotkiss that CPS and the AG produce specific medical documents to the court. Which would include the following:

1. Radiology report and actual copy of film from CT scan of my pelvis from Columbia Valley Medical Center,
2. Copy of actual X-ray film and radiology report from X-ray of pelvis from University of Washington,
3. Copy of actual films or other hard diagnostics from CT, MRI, and/or X-ray of pelvis and back/spine from Wenatchee Valley Medical Center and radiology report,
4. Copy of medical chart from OBGYN who diagnosed prolapse, from Wenatchee Valley Medical Center,
5. Copy of dated pain contract written by Dr. Malcolm Butler, which order the Central Washington Hospital to inject me with 10 ccs of morphine if I presented to ER with pain from migraine, and records showing how many times I actually presented for the 10 ccs.

CPS and the AG claim they were getting my "FULL" medical chart, so they should be able to find these things. If they cannot find them, they need to make another request, as it is prejudicial to me for the court to examine only the "parts" of my medical record which CPS and the AG WANT the court to see, to fit their own skewed conclusions. If they are using my medical record, they must be required to obtain the whole record, and I was never given the opportunity to point out, to the Judge, how CPS and the AG are wrong, and how there is medical documentation that proves I have injuries and disabilities, and that Wenatchee medical professionals were attempting to keep these things under wraps, with the collaboration of CPS and AG friends.

I want the real copies of films to be made, as these will be used by me in court to prove there are damages which doctors in Wenatchee have attempted to cover through writing confabulated medical reports with their own revised interpretations of the actual record. Any Judge will be able to look at these copies and see for themself whether
injuries are apparent. Also missing from the Fact Finding hearing, was every copy of a radiology report, which was the first interpretation of the films. These radiology reports indicate there are injuries and abnormalities, and yet doctors in Wenatchee tried to cover this.

Please forward this to Judge Hotchkiss, and file this for the record. Also, I am requesting that a copy of the records I have just requested, which I've listed above, be sent to me as well. I need copies of the films and actual lab and radiology reports. I have them in storage in Washington state, and need this discovery, which I've already requested more than once, to be mailed to me prior to the November 26, 2008 hearing, so I am able to show why it is impossible
for me to take a "bus ride" to Wenatchee and to prove continued prejudice and cover up of my injuries.

CPS and the AG claimed, on the record, to NOT have these records, when they had the release from the Judge to obtain all records, and then alternately claimed they "didn't remember" seeing these records, which I find very convenient.

CPS also claimed not to have records which showed the damages done to my son, and evidence of problems later, such as his high bilirubin levels, three months after childbirth. They also have never given me copies of my signed releases for my son's vaccinations, to date.

I therefore also ask the Judge to order CPS and AG to procure these specific medical records which were "missing" from the record for Fact Finding:

1. Lab result and record from bilirubin testing done on my son approximately 3 months after birth, from Columbia Valley Medical Center,
2. Original signed releases from my son's 2 month vaccinations.

Thank you,

Cameo Garrett

Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 13:52:55 -0800
Subject: RE: Request For Audio

The only hearing that I see scheduled at this time is a Review Hearing on November 26th @ 1:00 P.M.

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