Monday, November 24, 2008

Entering Premise

Well, I didn't imagine anything! Today the manager of my friend's apartment entered with a key, after knocking and not getting an answer from us. He just walked right in, with no notice, believing no one was there.

No notice, no warning, nothing. No emergency. A maintenance guy was standing by with him. He said it was okay for him to do that because he managed the building. I told him it wasn't.

He then said there was an eviction process (which I don't know the details of) and that my friend was going to have all his things thrown out and removed by police tomorrow. My friend said he'd not received an eviction notice.

The manager said the police brought it by last week. I called police because he had entered the apartment unlawfully and the guy refused to leave. When the police came, they said what he'd done was unlawful but not a technical "crime", it was a civil matter. Then I called the sheriff's department on behalf of my friend, and the sheriff said no one had served any notice, and there wouldn't be any such proces until possibly the second week of December. He's the guy in charge.

My friend was shocked he'd been lied to. He asked the manager about it and the manager claimed he'd received letters from the lawyers that stated this was happening.

Sooo weird.

Besides which, this has not been my permanent residence, but it's where my workshirts disappeared from. And obviously, people have been in this apartment, and I know it's more than once. I'm not saying the manager did it, but if he's the example and maintenance guys see this, or someone else with keys has access who doesn't like me knew I was there, they'd do it.

I was right, right, right.

Lately, I feel I'm getting some emphasis from repetition.

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