Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Son and About Image of Sword Over Head

Additional info: from the start, the state and my aunt's family have provided me with zero updates about my son's wellbeing and welfare and have never respected my rights as a mother to know how he is doing, or what they are doing with him.

They have left me completely in the dark and have done all kinds to him which are against my religious and parental philosophies, such as throwing him into a FT daycare after they traumatized him and then cut off phone contact with his mother. They have also refused to give me any of his medical records since he's been taken from me after Canada, even though I asked repeatedly and wanted these things for discovery for my case.

They never gave me discovery of my son's medical records as I requested. They have also refused treatment and diagnostics of my son which I advocated for him, and which Canadian medical professionals also advocated for my son.

Basically, my son has been trapped in the Dark Ages, with a bunch of hypocrites who never cared about him to begin with. They see my son as just another number, and as a bargaining chip against a major lawsuit for medical malpractice and other damages.

My son is nothing to them, and they have deliberately stalled to allow the clock to keep ticking on the statute of limitations for filing a medical malpractice lawsuit on his behalf.

If I lose out on filing for him, when they've all known this was my intention from the beginning, I will sue the STATE and everyone involved, not only for civil rights damages, but for the deliberate attempt to interfere with my son's right to litigate his medical conditions before a jury and receive compensation for the damages done to him.

I will prove the STATE was directly responsible for the obstruction of justice and total losses.

Which may be what the medical professionals would rather have. They would probably even pay their state friends to do this for them. But someone is going to pay big, and will be paying through a massive hemmorhage of the nose. If I and some lawyers have anything to say about it, they will be made to pay, and pay, and pay, and my goal would be to allow them to feel what it's like to keep someone down intentionally. They should lose their houses, their businesses, their jobs, and their friends and family for what they've done.

I don't know why, but in all that's happened with me and my son, I have a feeling there is a son, a son of a father who has a lot of information he could share to the proper authorities. I just have a feeling.

I also, when I saw this image yesterday, think it was basically symbolic, and not a real image of something to happen, but I saw this man's balding head, bent down, and someone was standing behind him, over him, with both hands on a sword that was about to fall right inbetween the skull. It may be symbolic of something about to happen, but it's what I saw. I didn't see the progression of events, just this image. And I didn't see any faces at all.

Also, for fun note, the guy who bet on the horses asked me for a number. The number 8 immediately came to mind but I didn't want him to think just because I was lucky ONE time, I was always lucky. I don't want anyone betting on my ideas and losing. So he asked for my birthdate instead, and sign. My Romanian gypsy friends.

I would make a good gypsy, eh? That's what I'll call myself if I have to move again, and yell out about discrimination if anyone tries to say moving around is "unstable". Have these people, who claim my moving around is unstable, ever been brave enough to leave their small town? No. The people who are unstable, are those who are too scared to move, because they need the security of people they've known for generations, because they know no one will like them as well anywhere else.

With that, good night.

And good night to my son, whose mother is always fighting for him even though he doesn't know it now, and who constantly makes strategy and decisions according to his best interests, despite the inability to change the present situation. I know my son is going to be loyal to me alone, as he's known me to be there for him before, and will know no one else fought for him like his mother. My son knows my loyalty to him runs deeper and truer than any self-interest. My son is going to be healed and recovered, when he is with me again, and learns the full story of what was done to him and his mother and who was involved. My love is true. I have done everything and anything, in my power, for him. I despise those who have used my son and made false protestations of concern and care. I despise them and my son will turn his back on them, to honor me, at the proper time.

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