Saturday, November 22, 2008

image and poem of the vengeance of the lord


a sword will fall between the crown
a heavy knife of steel
cutting through the head of all involved
whose will displaced God's will
a man's head, a balding head,
receives the first blow
split down the middle coursing through the
bloodless veins to reach the
ones below
the tree is split, the trunk is torn
the seeds swallowed by birds
taking away the words
each germ, each seed, each word against me
against my son, the lies and deceipt
falling to your knees, you fall
shaking from the blow
every card out of your sleeves, every name
my every foe
you will give them up
you will give every one of them up
to meet the king of pain, of justice,
who felt betrayal too and jealousy
hatred, who ran because he was pursued
your hands are empty
you will never be full
sleep will haunt you, nightmares chase you
you will run from the headless horseman
whose great glory is replaced by a squash
you will seek refuge and find none
you will be hunted down by all of the archangels
who stand by me and stand up for my son
shining, casting out your wheels of fortune,
your crytal balls, and cutting all of your
resources down
no money, no electricity,
you alone with my God
pray to God for mercy
not me
pray to God for mercy
make your public plea
arms out, head down, await the guillotine

restore to my son the joy he had with me
restore us to eachother and cancel every curse and prayer
against our prosperity


may every one who persists in their vendetta and in covering their shame, be exposed. may every one who has been so determined, have unhappiness for their reward. may they hunt for peace like a starving man or woman, too sick to get up and reach for what they need, those who have withheld justice from my son and me. may they lose what they tried to take from me, for themselves...may others sniff out their scent and bring them to the altar, those unwilling to make a public confession themselves and may their disgrace be 10 times worse if others have to take action than if they had given up and given themselves and others up, of their own accord. for every day they delay, make them pay. make them pay as long as they live, and through the lives of their own children and those they love. my hands are off, and i ask that God seeks revenge on my behalf, for once, on behalf of my son. when it is finished, let there be peace, but not until justice had been won. i pray the son will turn against his father, and the friend against her friend, to speak up for the truth. may every person hiding their religion with a cloak of secular authority, be brought down and found out, and scourged from the organizations intended to protect the people and not to harm. may all those hiding out as mobsters, be afraid of God and his wrath more than losing their own lives. maybe then there is a chance for redemption for their families. do not give it to them, God, without cleaning out the closets first.

"It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Hebrews 10:31)

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