Saturday, November 22, 2008

TTSOML #214: A Couple Of People From Jail

I don't remember their names, but one guy came in and I don't know if he was there legitimately or not, but he appeared to be taking notes. He would ask me questions and then write things down. He said he was there himself on charges but it was a little weird. He asked me things like if I believed in UFOs and aliens and things. I don't know whether I just nodded slowly so as not to argue or be disagreeable, but I'm quite sure I just said "no" straight out. He said he'd been falsely accused himself and that he'd been in a mental institution too. It was a little odd.

Then there was this other guy, who was only there on the weekends he said, who was grizzly, and read complex fiction, who talked to me about what was going on and after he saw me go through almost 3 days without any sleep, at all, as I only walked around, and sang or tried to talk to take my mind off things and try to remember everything they'd done to me there (since I didn't have paper and pencil, repetition in telling the story was the best way to commit things to memory), he showed me a pill.

He held it up and said it was a muscle relaxant and a mild one. I didn't want to take anything that I didn't know the effects of, but I hadn't slept for almost 3 days. I was almost delirious by that time and not eating anymore. I first tried to eat to keep up my strength. Then I couldn't eat at all.

He promised it would only last a couple of hours but that I would get some sleep. He pushed it quickly under his cell door, where it slid across the hallway, under my door, into my cell.

During the whole time I was there, they didn't have a doctor or anyone medical around. And, I was told, they didn't provide this at all. You had to have a doctor who was already your PCP come in to see you and write prescriptions.

So, I took the pill and was able to sleep for maybe a few hours and then I woke up and was back to singing or talking to people again. I did this night and day, constantly.

One thing that came out of it was that I didn't lose my mind. I had told Christa I knew I'd really lose it if someone ever took my son from me, but I didn't. I suffered, and I and my son have proof of this. But I came out of it stronger than ever, and more determined than ever, to expose the illegal activities and crimes of others, and their intentional harassment of me and cover up through use of the system.

I also gained information as to who was doing the railroading and setting things up. Which can always be used as evidence later.

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