Thursday, November 20, 2008

James P. Toscano, Catholic University Alumni and General Counsel For D.C.

This is from The Catholic University of America's
Columbus School of Law (probably affiliated with Knights of Columbus as well). It lists the General Counsel guy I talked to at Washington D.C. CPS as an alumni of their school, from 1999 and posted this announcement:

"Capt. James P. Toscano was appointed general counsel for Washington, D.C.’s Child and Family Services Agency, effective June 18, 2008."

I had his name wrong. I thought it was Testino or Testano, but it's Toscano. Oh, and how nice that he's also been a Capt. in the military as well.

This guy is the HEAD of the entire legal department for Child and Family Services, and he's Catholic, and from the start has been involved in screwing with my case and communicating with Wenatchee AG and CPS I'm sure.

I left another message with the supervisor of Ellen Walker, who have never returned my call despite her answering machine's promise to call back within 24. Her supervisor is Michelle Farr. I left another message with Michelle and had no return call, and she also promises a return call within 24 hours.

So I'm being ignored by D.C. Child and Family Services and I'm sure their orders are coming from Toscano, who is alumni of the same college Br. Ansgar went to long ago, where I'm sure he has plenty of connections.

Also, I need to transcribe the telephone message I got from Wenatchee's Michelle Erickson, because she claims she "just got your message" about wanting to transfer services and I had been leaving messages with her ever since I was in D.C., calling and asking what was going on and stating I wanted to begin services in D.C. I was ignored for 2 months.

I have decided I am going to get nowhere in Washington D.C. D.C. is full of Catholics, and some who are even bigger zealots and they are obviously trying to control what happens with my case. I have Mr. Big Whig Tomas Farr, coming into my workplace besides, to harass me and be condescending. Thomas Farr is a big deal, and he knew who I was and was. I find that a little odd.

Not only that, I am having phone problems again. I just received a ton of messages from the medical clinic I was trying to go to. I thought no one was returning my calls, but a whole bunch of people from that clinic attempted to call and left messages, but they didn't REGISTER or pop up on my cell phone until YESTERDAY. Some of them are weeks old. I was checking for messages every single day. Not only that, even one message from Michelle Erickson came in just yesterday, and it's a message following the other one, and she says in it she's responding to the message she got from me "yesterday" which was actually days ago.

So I'm not getting normal cell phone operations either.

I'm going to the Arabic doctor no one seems to want me to go to, which I find very questionable when he has agreed to take my case himself (why do the other doctors and nurses even CARE? He said he wanted to take my case and he did, so why are they still trying to get me to NOT go to him or telling me I CAN'T?). I'm going to him, simply because it is worth finding out if he wants to help me and others are just worried he's actually going to do the right thing for once, and that an MRI may result from it, which will prove all of my damages and also, hopefully, be used as information to protect my new child.

Aside from that, I'm going to find out which Child and Family Services have general counsels that are Baptist or at least not Catholic, and I'm going to be making a move.

I think my dream, about the volcano, was a telling dream. I was going the wrong way to get out. I think my way out is not through Washington D.C., but The Bible Belt. It is the only way I'm going to find people who are not going to directly interfere on behalf of their church and fellow members, who will not have people in legal positions to keep me from my son. I will also have a better chance at finding someone who will do a fair psych evaluation.

If Toscano is the main player here with Child and Family Services, I'm going to be set up to receive services from people he or others know, who will collaborate with Wenatchee's AG (which is almost entirely Catholic as well--at least the main one involved is--Tomas Caballero). They were buying time to stall and to set things up over here if they couldn't force me back to Wenatchee.

Michelle Erickson's last message to me was to "urge" me to return to "the area" and she said it didn't have to be Wenatchee but ANYWHERE within the state of Washington, and she brought up Tri-Cities.

I've already established there is NO safe place for me to get medical care ANYWHERE in the state of Washington. I was already slandered throughout that state's two HMOs and these are the HMOs they use to contract services with. If I'm already defamed, I'm getting nowhere. Besides which, I have proof the Wenatchee doctors tried to find out where I was going and then would contact new doctors, from OUT of the area, to defame me and prejudice my care.

Besides which, the state police of Washington had me under some kind of surveillance and never told me about it, and they profiled me and refused to return my calls when I attempted to make a report of profiling and mistreatment by Wenatchee and Chelan County police. I was ignored.

I am, and my son is, NOT 'safe' in Washington state. Washington state has more Catholics in office than any other religion besides, and almost all of the lawyers are coming from Gonzaga and Seattle U or Pacific, which is Catholic. I already tried to get assistance from legal aid in Washington state and got nowhere.

Like I would really move to the Tri-Cities, which is another huge Catholic hub. Not only are all the priests who are on the Central Washington Hospital's board there, it is the location with the MOST Cathlolics, aside from Spokane. Almost all of the medical clinics in Tri-Cities are Catholic or have Catholic funding or insurance. Not to mention, my friend was shot to death and killed, in Yakima, part of the Tri-Cities, after I made mention of him to Oregon and Washington state FBI.

There is no way in HELL I'm getting any kind of "services" in the state of Washington, and I have evidence to prove I've already exhausted my efforts.

I have evidence I was defamed within Washington state's contracted network of services, which is through HMOs. These are not limited to Wenatchee, but are for the entire state.

I'm getting my services in the Bible Belt, and I would have tried Washington D.C., but Washington D.C. and Wenatchee CPS pretty much screwed that one up, by proving they have worked together to deprive me a speedy way to get started on services, when I was calling Wenatchee CPS months ago and went to D.C. offices in person months ago, and know for a FACT they communicated with eachother and yet did NOTHING to get back to me. Then, their HEAD General Counsel, who is directly under the Attorney General for this area, wants to be present in my meeting with Ellen Walker and lies to me and they try to keep me from even filing a RELEASE of INFORMATION form out to get the process started, when I was trying to do this 2 months ago.

I'm going to the Arabic doctor, because he may be able to help me, and in the meantime, I'm looking at the people leading AGs and general counsels, for Child and Family services, and when I find one which is NOT connected to the Catholic church, after the crap these people have pulled, I'm moving.

That's not being "unstable". That's called making a smart move before one gets screwed. You never make assumptions, but you also never just take someone at their word.

If they're saying one thing, and their actions are contrary, they're not honest. D.C. CPS and Wenatchee CPS have not been honest with me, and on both ends, they are both being directed and run by Catholic men who obviously have an agenda.

In my dream, there was a volcano and I was driving to leave and get out, and I was told I was going the wrong way, that I would be trapped if I kept going in that direction. I was told to back up.

I believe, now, after knowing what I know, that I am supposed to back up to another part of the country. It may be the only way out.

I can still take my good contacts I've made in D.C. and file my complaints. And, I can still leave the country one day, and before I leave D.C. I'm going to visit a few embassies.

But getting out of this mess is going to be through an office that isn't run by some devout member of the Catholic church who also happens to have the support of the Knights of Columbus. Members of KOC shouldn't be mad at me--I know most of them, lower rung, are just trying to do a fraternal thing. I talked to some, and they're so nice. But I have people who are fucking ZEALOTs, who hate me, who have used people in law enforcement and intelligence against me, and in the medical community as well, and they have a vested interest in finishing me off by not only slamming me with a mental illness diagnosis they'd like, but in keeping me from my son.

I am not going to allow that to happen.

And my voice recorder stopped working when I was in the offices of Walker, with Toscano standing by. I have had zero problems with it ever since.

So who does HE know, who works, or used to work for the military and in the State Deparment, who knows people who would be able to screw around with things.

These people are fanatics.

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