Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sham Marriage Satire

Are my posts about sham marriage serious, or satire? I suppose it's something to keep you guessing.

Which is why one cannot use blogs, or posts, to use against someone when the content is not being directly examined and questioned under oath. What someone writes, may or may not be true, may be a joke, or not a joke, and it's not evidence of anything other than the ability to write about something, and maybe laugh about something as well.

Which brings me to another thing--about my argument for why I didn't want my son to have a social security number. The law only provides for "religious reasons" and I gave one: that the number was the "sign of the beast" alluded to in the Book of Revelations.

Do I really believe this? Or did I only make the argument in order to protect my son because of all the crime and vandalisms and threats I received?

No one will ever really know, will they?

Read Hamlet again. What do you think?

Don't ever try to pin anyone in a narrow framework or construct. You may be wrong, especially if you do not have extensive personal knowledge of that person and what they are like to live with and talk to, on a day-to-day basis.

Anyone, and anyone's comments, may be taken out of context or misunderstood.

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