Saturday, November 15, 2008

Kaempf and Psych Records

I'm starting to think, looking back, that the Abbey and John Kaempf did have something to do with the pscyh eval I received by an Oregon State Bar guy. Because, I'm just remembering, I kept telling Christa I didn't know what was wrong with Kaempf, or what his point was, because in the middle of litigation, he would come out of left field with a comment to the Judge like, "Your Honor, SHE thinks she's SPEH-shal." When he did this, he broke eye contact with the Judge to look at me and smirk, watching for my reaction.

It had absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. But he repeated this in hearings after too, and also went on a big "manipulative" tangent, on how my tears, when they were provoked by bad memories of what the Abbey had done to me, were construed for pity.

I wondered what the deal was with the "special" thing, and I think it connects with the diagnosis, even if wrong, that I was narcisstic. Also, a "major depressive episode" would detract from the actual damages of trauma that were incurred by what these guys did to me, and they would argue it was some kind of biological reaction, not something incurred by their actions.

The whole things stinks. I mean, I know the psych was trying to create something that wasn't there, by the way he invented things I said or distorted things, but I think he was in on it or someone got ahold of records or something.

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