Saturday, November 15, 2008

My "Packet" For The Psych Eval

I am thinking, too, that in addition to putting the audio of the court hearings I've mentioned online, I should also put the audio for the Fair Hearings I went to, where I have evidence that "the department" directly contradicted themselves and LIED on the record.

I think that would establish motive and be proof that they have not been honest and had motive to work collaborately with Wenatchee judges, to make something up about me and take my son.

I can also prove deliberate attempts to stall and delay in the return of my son to me, which has been ongoing. I think they wanted enough time to pinpoint which psychologist would be most willing to go along with their agenda.

When they tried to procure services of a Whatcom County psychologist, they were trying to give her a ton of SELECTED blog posts from me, and all the slanderous crap from the doctors, and wanted her to read it FIRST before evaluating me. They deliberately attempted to skew and prejudice an evaluation. To her somewhat credit, she said she wouldn't read their "packet" before any evaluation because it was unprofessional, but would read it afterwards.

Which makes me think I will have to put my own little "packet" together. Of crap against "the department" and doctors in Wenatchee.

Which can include a variety of samples from audio, and also, select responses they've made to things. I think it would also be interesting to have all the films and radiology reports seen by the psych, in contrast to the garbage which was written to cover up actual bodily damages. This will go to show the doctors who "reported" me had bad motive and bad faith. It will also show I am not "nuts" or "delusional" or "imagining" something bad happened to me and my son when it DID.

And, of course, I would be sure to apprise the psych of all the involvement the state police, in two different states, and FBI had in all of this, and how a sexual abuse which would have resulted in FBI employees being registered as sex offenders, was deliberately covered up. I could use a statement I got from a female former high ranking FBI employee, who was sexually harassed on the job, as evidence to support my theory that the FBI is corrupt at the core, and that it is this climate which enables offenders to get away with crime and to punish those who speak up.

Finally, I will show the psychologist legal memorandum and case theory which states explictly that simple blogs, or writings, or email, cannot be used to determine "mental illness" and is not legal in court, for such accusations. This is because, for example, someone like Christopher Hitchens, who writes so well, could never be assessed as an alcoholic from his writings. He comes across as being highly functional and having no problems. No one would know he abuses a substance unless they were always with him or lived with him.

For the same reason, even someone writing things that "sound crazy" cannot have their writings used against them when the people making accusations have absolutely zero interaction with the person on a regular basis, and do not either live with the person or work with them.

Anything can be taken out of context.

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