Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mood Swings

Well, I have a very good reason for them right now. So, if I write something that packs more punch than usual, or go from writing from one frame of mind/mood to the next, it's not abnormal.

It's already been checked out and there's nothing wrong. There are just a lot of different things going on right now, and I'll write more about it after I finish TTSOMLs and some other things.

I am not "god damn america". My feelings are more that it's a great place for most people, but that I have been harassed and assaulted and the people have been getting away with it for years. And frankly, I don't see how someone in intelligence is NOT involved, to be able to tamper with my telecommunications and utilize other things to harm me and my son. And, I've already established, there were people in the FBI who have been directly involved with me.

Another thing, about the fax I wrote, about "virgin mary cherry pie". That was the fax for a lunch order. It was obviously tongue-in-cheek and was the response to a PUBLICLY placed ad. I also never wrote anything like that until AFTER I found out I'd been defamed to the police and that the clergy at the Abbey had asked the police to "put me under investigation". Their lawyers were already involved, and after they kept telling me to call all these people and giving me the runaround, and after they kept telling me to drive up there for meetings and standing me up, and then after finding out what lies they were spreading about it, I wrote a funny fax.

Which was no big deal, in light of what they were doing to me. I wrote about it again, though, because of all the things that bothered them, it was the line about Mary, and I heard that one over and over again.

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