Wednesday, November 19, 2008

MRI for Disc Herniation

Here is an article about use of MRI for herniated discs, which symptoms may be accelerated and felt at even 10 weeks pregnancy:

Titre du document / Document title
Magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar herniated disc in pregnancy
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
LASSAN M. M. (1) ; VIOLA S. (1) ; WILLIAMS D. A. (1) ; AY-MING WANG ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) William Beaumont hosp., dep. physical medicine rehabilitation, Royal Oak MI 48073-6769, ETATS-UNIS

Résumé / Abstract
Lumbosacral pain is a significant complaint in approximately one-half of all pregnancies. In 15%, the pain can be disabling. Although the mechanical and positional stresses of pregnancy have been cited as the primary source of this discomfort, in approximately 1:10,000 cases a herniated lumbar disc (HNP) can be identified as the proximal cause of pain. A 35-yr old G4AB3PO patient presenting at 10 wk of pregnancy with severe incapacitating lumbar radiculopathy is described. Magnetic resonance imaging, selected by the patient as a diagnostic option, demonstrated a clinically suspected large midline HNP at the L5-S1 level. In the past, visualizing the presence of a HNP during pregnancy by either computerized axial tomography scan or myelography has exposed the fetus to ionizing radiation. However, magnetic resonance imaging now permits a more detailed evaluation without similar x-ray exposure. To date, no recognized biologic effect of MRI on the developing fetus has been reported. Although the long-term effects on an magnetic resonance imaging on the developing fetus have not been conclusively evaluated, its potential for accurate diagnosis and subsequent patient management, as well as planning the delivery, appears to outweigh any recognized hazard to the developing fetus
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation ISSN 0894-9115
Source / Source
1995, vol. 74, no1, pp. 59-61 (16 ref.)
Langue / Language

Editeur / Publisher
Lippincott, Baltimore, MD, ETATS-UNIS (1988) (Revue)

Mots-clés anglais / English Keywords
Hernia ; Intervertebral disk ; Lumbar spine ; Radicular syndrome ; Female ; Human ; Pregnancy ; Case study ; Diagnosis ; Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging ; Diseases of the osteoarticular system ; Spine disease ; Nervous system diseases ;
Mots-clés français / French Keywords
Hernie ; Disque intervertébral ; Rachis lombaire ; Radiculaire syndrome ; Femelle ; Homme ; Gestation ; Etude cas ; Diagnostic ; Imagerie RMN ; Système ostéoarticulaire pathologie ; Rachis pathologie ; Système nerveux pathologie ;
Mots-clés espagnols / Spanish Keywords
Hernia ; Disco intervertebral ; Raquis lumbar ; Radicular síndrome ; Hembra ; Hombre ; Gestación ; Estudio caso ; Diagnóstico ; Imageria RMN ; Sistema osteoarticular patología ; Raquis patología ; Sistema nervioso patología ;
Localisation / Location
INIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 4134, 35400005561163.0090

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