Saturday, November 29, 2008

Multiple Computer Hook Ups & Afghani Women

Thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone who has offered to let me use their computer. My first computer hook up needed to use it tonight for Skype, and another guy had already volunteered and is letting me use his now. AND, I have been given passwords to different computer networks too.

I tried calling the Afghani women, to help them with their computer tonight, and their answering machine said the message box is full and won't take new messages. It's the only way for me to reach them, so maybe I'll see them later and I'll try to reach them later too.

And you know, this guy who has let me borrow his computer--he's Asian and he is HOT. Really artsy looking too. Anyway. I don't want to say exactly what nationality he is to give away any aspect of his identity other than this.

I know a lot of people who have been there for me are those who are or were recently immigrants or are second-generation. These are often the people I've also tried to welcome and help, and they do not forget it either.

You never, never, know who you're really dealing with. Everyone is someone special, and for those people who are social climbers, maybe it's just as well they overlook certain people on their way to the top--because in the long run, it catches up with you.

Anyway, thanks to the Americans and non-Americans who have assisted me with my computer needs. :)

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