Saturday, November 29, 2008

Woman Who Fired Me Fires Back (Again)

She called and left a message after I texted her and she says it's my fault. It's not, but I'm done with her. If she is going to make a big deal out of something that was not my fault, there's nothing I can do, and besides, she's a liar, because after she found out I was pregnant, she hired 2 new people and lied and said she needed the extra help anyway. She didn't give me any notice and didn't plan to, and this was her excuse to fire me because no one lets someone go over something like this. I showed up for work ahead of schedule even, and was there, and she sent me home until Monday, and the employee calendar and schedule is right there on the door.

Anyway. This is one of those moments when you have all these incredible juicy things you could say, about your boss and even certain things that were going on which are not exactly legal, but you choose not to.

I choose not to, even knowing I have this wonderful forum, because it's one of those things where I know I'm not the only one who knows "stuff". It's not like I have been entrusted with the inside scoop, or that I feel a responsibility to report things, feeling pressured because I'm the only one who knows. No, there are a bunch of people who know a lot of "stuff", and I don't need to be the one to say any of it right now or ever.

It's one of those things, where you can see scenes in your mind, and you laugh, thinking about how crazy it is, but you just leave people alone.

I had people who wanted to see me lose my job. Not because I wasn't a good employee, but for other reasons. I can't help them with their problem except to go and there is nothing I wish to do to them, in return, to "get even".

They're on their own. I shouldn't have stayed so long, and had people telling me to move on a long time ago, and I had offers too, but I was too lazy and tired and just didn't want the change as I was focused on other things.

I have great things to write about, because of my work there, and I will probably use it in fictional form.

At any rate, I am not worried at all, or panicked. If I were, I'd have spent the day looking for work instead of on the computer. It doesn't make sense maybe, but I know things are going to work out for me. And no, I've no intention of going back to Washington anytime soon...Not until complaints are made and filed.

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