Saturday, November 29, 2008

Just Like Heaven

I cannot get over this song. "Just Like A Dream" by The Cure. I am listening to it on a laptop with really, really, good audio, and it's like a brand new song again.

This is when music is filling, like eating until you're full, or swimming for a day in a warm ocean bubbling over with froth from the distant Hurricane, or drinking 3 rounds and dancing at home alone or in a club sandwiched in the middle. This song is like being warm buried deep in the snow, and happy having cried all the tears bottled up inside.

This song is like heaven.

I have nothing new or profound to say about it except that there is not one part of me that could be down or sad listening to this. Strangely, a lot of bad things have recently happened, but I have not felt more at peace and content, and I've just wanted to listen to The Cure over and over.

I'm listening to New Order's "Bizarre Love Triangle" a few times over now. This song cracks me up, at the part where she says, "I don't believe in reincarnation because I reFUSE to come back as a BUG or a RABBIT." and he says, "You know, you're a real fucked up person."

I reFUSE to come back as a BUG or a RABBIT.

Now listening to "If You Leave" (by OMG?) I forgot what that stands for. I know the singer but it's not coming to mind immediately.

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