Saturday, November 29, 2008

Baby Dancing

This is an active baby.

I didn't think it was possible to feel movement so early, and I criticized myself when I thought I felt it kick or move awhile ago, but it is moving a LOT.

Tonight, it has been moving all over the place, as I've listened to music, it's just all over the place. Since it's a laptop, I'm keeping it away from touching my stomach, just because these things get hot and also, well, it's like a microwave. Okay, don't freak out...I'm not saying it's anything strong or strange, it's just normal like a cell phone, but I don't need to have a cell phone lying on my stomach throughout pregnancy either.

I'm just more cautious.

But this one is alive and dancing up a storm. Wow. I guess I'm getting two live wires.

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