Saturday, November 29, 2008

Princess Diana Myth of Paranoia

I am goofing off. I have things to do but it's nice to just listen to music and goof off.

I have books I want to write, and some plans for them, for fiction and non-fiction. I want to write one about animals I've known, one about the marian dogmas and things I discovered while at the Abbey, a book of poetry (short one!), a funny drama, and then my other serious one I want to do would be about Princess Diana and all the claims made by people that she was "paranoid" towards the end of her life and a bunch of other crap. I want to tear apart every single supposition made against her mental state during her last years, and include all the names of those who slandered her.

It's suspicious. You read things from Jepheson or whoever her former secretary was, who wrote about her and said she was paranoid, and used an example of her tearing up the carpeting looking for "bugs" and things.

It's not paranoia. The record shows she WAS spied on and bugged and tapped, by MORE than one intelligence agency and outside of her own country too. And someone was probably tipping her off, letting her know it WAS happening, AND she had good intuition.

There's nothing unreasonable or clinically paranoid about these actions, but what I find the most strange, is HOW many people came forward, after she DIED, to make all these accusations.

People don't make false accusations of mental imbalance unless they're trying to hide someone or disparage the credibility of someone.

I don't care what anyone says, she was onto something.

And, aside from looking into things further, in general, I think a book, wholely devoted to disproving every myth and claim of mental illness and paranoia as slanderous, would be a good service to all those who are activists or have enemies, or who are truly mentally ill as well. True mental illness is made into mythic proportions, and I don't think the mentally ill appreciate seeing how their illness is used to DISPARAGE and discredit others either.

It's just so fishy. Everytime I start to move onto thinking about something else, I read another claim by someone, and it's just plain odd. I would begin to look more closely at those making the claims, and see what THEY have in common with one another (well, besides being assholes).

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