Friday, November 28, 2008

Music Today

I listened to Lady Gaga this morning again. She's from the same Catholic girls school as Nicky whatever and Paris Hilton. This is one thing I have zero prejudice in--assessing art and music for its sake alone.

I don't care what religion someone is, and what race or culture. Good art or music, or talent, should be noticed and encouraged, no matter what.

Also, it's not a threat to me. The only things that have been threatening to me are people in certain positions that affect my life--it's different.

At any rate, I keep listening to Poker Face. I identify with this sign because it's not a pop tart, love-on-my-sleeve song, but I also like it for the voice and musicality. My favorite shot of Lady Gaga, in this video, is really simple, but it's towards the end, when it cuts from the group black and silver scene, to the group next to the pool, and then it cuts to her crossing her arms across her chest and then down as she sings "Poker Face". Her expression and the move is just right. It's really simple, but I like it. It's before she goes into the sort of rap part.

Akon worked with her on this, and I looked up info about Interscope. It would be sort of fun to work in the music industry in some capacity, but I wouldn't like any aspect of it that was cut-throat. I'd be more interested in recognizing talent and encouraging it, than anything. I don't care about profits--I care about good music, and if you give artists independence, they're not stifled or afraid to be creative. Even though I don't like gaga's lyrics about "I wanna ride your disco stick", if you pick apart every little thing, you hold people back.

What's stunning, is how mature her style is, for her age. She's worldly and a pro, at a young age. The only part where her age shows a little bit, is in a couple of the dance cuts, but it's still charming. She wasn't raised as a Mousketeer.

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