Friday, November 28, 2008

Response from Wenatchee Courthouse

I see I have a response regarding my request for the hearing for visitation modification and discovery, finally, and it was sent after I wrote my post about how I wasn't going to the hearing and just going to sue.

I haven't opened it up. I don't know what it says yet. But I really don't care. I have more than enough evidence that they ignored me, provoked me, and harassed me to no end, and forced me into a case where I was railroaded and denied almost every civil rights priviledge. I'm done. Once I make up my mind like that, it's over.

They had more than enough opportunities to do the right thing. Now, complaints are going out and I will file whatever has to be filed to have them corrected. It is pointless to file anyting further with them or attempt to "cooperate" when they refuse to do the right thing at every turn.

Writing up these posts helps me remember exactly what was done. I'll convert most of my post about Paul Cassel into a Bar complaint, with some additions, and then I'll make my complaint against the other woman who got involved as well.

I think I can file HIPPA complaints against both Douglas county and the state, and then the Wenatchee medical professionals who I first threatened years ago for what they did.

The best one will be the ADA complaint. I'm glad I know someone in ADA though, because she sees me all the time and would verify I'm not the person I was slandered into "being".

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