Friday, November 7, 2008

My Workshirts

This morning I discovered one of my workshirts had been "returned". I know I didn't miss it before, because I had gone through the whole closet and I have very few articles of clothing to sort through. It doesn't take long.

This happened at one other place I stayed, where my make-up disappeared and then reappeared. This time though, I've not received all of the shirts back, but only one.

The other thing I noticed when my shirts went missing, was that someone had gone through the cupboards. I asked my roommate about it and he said he didn't do it. I figured he could have moved things around. But there were lids off of containers and things. It was like someone was looking for something.

This is the reason I decided to throw most things out. Any beverages I had which were opened already, I tossed, and I tossed most food as well. Not everything, because I took a chance, and couldn't afford to toss every single thing.

I think someone has to have a key to my place and it's someone who knows me.

I discovered too, how easy it is to use a credit card to open some kinds of doors. I tried it myself and it works.

Everybody use your deadbolts. They're there for a reason I've discovered.

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