Friday, November 7, 2008

TTSOML #176: Concerns About My Son

I was sufficiently concerned there was an agenda to take my son from me. To hit me where it would hurt the most, as I knew those who hated me wanted to do.

So I stepped up my efforts to be visible publicly. Even though my son and I had a routine at home and in the area, with art sessions, dance, and creative activities, and also playdates with kids in the Methow area, and library and park excursions (and McDonalds), I decided to enroll my son in more things on a public level, to show we were out there in public.

I invited CPS in Wenatchee to observe me and my son interacting, if they had any concerns. They never took me up on my offer.

I enrolled my son into a Mommy-and-Me preschool which I attended. For whatever reason, I could tell the social workers didn't like the idea. I think they didn't like the idea because it showed normalcy and that I was an attentive and responsible mother. I had some people try to refuse us entry, but I talked to the right person, and we got in. So we had regular preschool dates together, until my car broke down, and my grandfather said someone had to have been tampering with it. Every time he fixed it, it broke down again, and something odd was done with the car.

On one occasion, it had been fixed, and I was next to the wall which was the side where my car was parked. I heard a very loud clang of metal on metal and both my son and I jumped. I had been at the computer and my son was playing a game, and I jumped to look outside. I couldn't see anything, but anyone could have gone around the corner of numerous out-buildings or trees. I didn't think more of it except that it sounded like something metal had hit the car.

Later, we found out something under the car HAD been knocked loose and made the car impossible to drive. I can't remember what it was at this very moment, but it will come to me.

I started parking the car closer to the house.

The other thing I took my son to, two sessions in a row, was Mommy-and-Me swimming lessons. He loved this and was quite the little swimmer, paddling along.

Aside from that, at least once a week I took my son to McDonalds and I would get inside the play station and crawl around with him, and he LOVED this. I was always a hands-on mom, and that's how I always was as a nanny. I didn't just put music on for them to dance to, I would dance along with them.

I believed my role, as a mother, was to be their best first educator, their adult playmate, their protector, their provider, and their emotional source of comfort. My role was to give them the sense of safety and security they needed, especially emotionally, to build a foundation of trust and love, so they were prepared with a solid sense of being. I also believed in my son being able to stick up for himself, that he didn't always have to share his toys if he didn't want to, or if another child tried to bully him. First, because I was his model of giving, he would always give the other kid his toy. And they took advantage of this. Sometimes, a child would just take it from him and he would look at me, with these sad eyes. So I encouraged him on how to take it back. He didn't have to be bullied to be a good person. He was already a giver, and I could see that. I always told him how proud I was of him when he put others first, and to please me, I think, he went overboard. So then we were able to correct that so it was more fair. He also was very affectionate with other children and animals, and would give them hugs and kisses. He did this, because his model was me, and I expressed my love for him not only verbally and by providing for his needs, but by giving him physical affection and attention. I believe you cannot hug a child too much.

Wenatchee CPS people were bizarre. I remember being accused of not having a "schedule" as if throwing a child into a 9-5 daycare is a "schedule". I had more activities planned for my son, every day, than I'm sure most of them did with their children. I didn't rise with my son at 7 a.m. every morning, and throw him in bed at 7 p.m., just so I could have "time to myself". Contrary to the way some parents may feel at times, I already knew the demands of parenting, having been a professional nanny so long, for over 15 years, in various childcare roles. I knew what was expected, so having my own child didn't throw me into depression or shock at 'losing my life'. My son was and is and will always be a joy, and never a burden.

We rose at 8-9 a.m. and the two of stayed up, together, until about 10 or 11 at night. My son got at least 10-12 hours of sleep every night, and as long as he was happy, that was "schedule" enough.

My parenting philosophies, I believe, are far more progressive and nurturing than what most of the CPS parents adhere to. They are mainly old-school, spoil the rod and spare the child people who practice throwing their kids out into the world to be separate from themselves. I believe children will come into independence on their own, of their own accord. I practiced "attachment parenting" which is something most of the social workers didn't understand and didn't care for even if they looked it up.

I am a devoted, highly viligant, and hands on mother. I have never, ever, felt the task was too hard or that I was ill-equipped for the job.

I had already practiced at being a "single mother" when I was taking care of other people's kids, on my own, solo, with no partner helping me.

I knew how to hold my own and I put my son's best interests first.

Despite all my public appearances with my son, it didn't matter. Despite all the compliments I got from strangers, about the beauty of my son's and my interactions and relationship, it didn't matter.

Wenatchee had an agenda, against me, and they were going to remove my son no matter what, no matter how unreasonable and cruel it was. They and the doctors they were married to, inter=related to, and friends with, were more important to protect than my son's emotional well-being.

I had enemies, and they were going to punish me by going after my son. One year before it happened, I begged and appealed for help to several different organizations. I could foresee what was being planned and set up. They were setting this up in stages, and I could see what was coming down the pipe.

No one helped me.

Instead, after my medical records were so construed to make me sound criminal and drug seeking and mentally ill, after this groundwork was laid, people went after my son and I through other means, to make us suffer, knowing by that time, they could rely on the common belief and "diagnosis" of "authorities" that I was "crazy" to protect them. They could do anything to me and my son, and we would be ignored, and if I continued to talk, it would only make me sound more delusional.

No one knew how bad the politics were, against me. Despite all of the vandalisms, mail thefts, and other things, no one except the computer experts and some military people, understood that what I began to speak about, which was happening to my son, was almost unheard of, but possible, and that everything I said and reported added up.

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