Thursday, November 27, 2008

New Jersy Plates and Verizon Integrity

I've had about 3 cars with Jersey plates, drive by slowly today, and just look in the window and stare at me, laughing. I am not kidding.

Which reminds me of something I read about Verizon the other day.

Christa was always wanting me to switch all my service to Verizon, and I wondered why and then I had major problems with my phone line later. I just read, Verizon's headquarters is located in Basking Ridge, NJ, which is an area Dick Whittemore frequented and lived in (I believe) for some time, and is also very close to the where the Thebault's business (the family I reported for tax fraud, in 1993).

I just think it's interesting, that's all. I found out about the location of the headquarters after reading how Verizon employees had been suspended without pay for accessing and reading Barak Obama's voicemail and Blackberry messages, in Columbus, Ohio.

It was in either The New York Times or the Washington Post about a week ago. The Verizon office at fault was one out of Columbus, Ohio.

It makes me question the integrity of that company.

By the way, the service provider for my landline, when I was living in the orchard location with my son, was Verizon. We didn't have any other options, even though I tried to get something else and looked into it.

Another interesting thing, is that the Thebault's sent their kids to a private school run by the Benedictine Order of the Roman Catholic Church, which is the same Order the Mt. Angel Abbey was affiliated with, AND Fr. Joachim told me, before things went downhill, that he knew this family, and had been good friends, with the McGraw's, whose daughter owned the house the Thebault's bought when they lived in Bedminster, NJ.

I should add, though, one thing that makes me think someone more local was involved, or someone who had done their research at least, is the fact that one of my calls, to Fred Meyer, was rerouted to a mental health clinic in the area. I suppose someone from outside of the area could have easily looked that up online though, if they were just looking for something obnoxious or harassing to do.

Still, there is something to Christa's attempts to persuade me to go with Verizon service, for both phone and computer.

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