Thursday, November 27, 2008

TTSOML #237: Paul Cassel For Public Defender & Computer Probs

If Paul Cassel wasn't trying to do favors for people in Wenatchee, he was FAR too busy to handle my case properly. Besides which, I don't know whether he really liked me or not, having had me call him up about his other clients, on THEIR behalf, when they couldn't reach him. By the end of this post, you'll see why I believe it is possible he was never working for me to begin with (make note of the computer problems).

I first spoke to Cassel regarding some of his clients who had criminal charges by both the state and the feds.

I cannot say whether or not Cassel initially liked me or didn't like me. All that I can prove, is that in no way was his representation a "reasonable defense".

First of all, I kept asking him to mail me copies of motions and things he planned to write, and he didn't. I couldn't open up his documents on the computer I was at, and told him so, and because he didn't mail anything, I had no way of knowing what was going on.

Not only that, he'd had communications with the private attorney I had been thinking of hiring, and neither Cassel nor this private attorney had my permission or release to discuss me OR my case. Bad sign, and unprofessionalism from both of them, at the start.

But I was stuck with him. I tried to buy time to find a new private attorney, after the first one pulled the rug out last minute, but I couldn't get family support for one. My parents chose to find excuses to back out on their end of the deal.

1. The first thing I can prove, with regard to Paul Cassel, is that he did not give me copies of ANYTHING he wrote, before filing it with the court.

2. The second thing I can prove, is that he did not consult with me prior to making some of his motions and arguments, and he did not spend more than 15 minutes, EVER, discussing my case. Paul Cassel never sat down with me, or called me up to talk about the facts of my case for an hour. He didn't even know what my potential defenses were, because he didn't know my case.

3. The third thing I can prove, is that he may have been more motivated to follow his own best interests than mine, in this case. Not only did he have Wenatchee people to live with, if he gave any consideration to anyone connected to my case, it wasn't ME, but my aunt Locklyn and mother. My aunt Locklyn had once WORKED for him. I think this could have come into play where I was asking for Change of Venue, to accomodoate my disabilies and allow for my son and I to be in visitation, when my mother and her side of the family didn't want my son to leave Wenatchee. They had already chosen my holy-roller aunt over me, simply because she was a holy-roller and that's what they think will 'save' my son's soul.

I sent email after email to Paul, after he was assigned to my case, and he didn't get back to me until I decided to blog about him.

4. The fourth thing I can prove, is that Cassel refused to obtain medical documentation I told him was available, which would prove I had injuries by Wenatchee medical professionals. I had records in Wenatchee and Seattle, and I also went into a PCP in Whatcom County and obtained a note from the doctor, which requested change of venue to accomodate injuries from "childbirth" he wrote. Cassel AND the state, or "the department", all got copies of this note, and yet Cassel didn't even file it, try to contact the doctor for a more detailed letter, or do ANYTHING. I later found out, the Judge Hotchkiss never even SAW such a note and then Cassel tried to blow it off, claiming it was just a "little note".

5. The fifth thing I can prove, is that Cassel did not notify me about the time and date of the hearing he scheduled (unprepared) for Change of Venue. He didn't even tell me he'd filed a motion for it, and I never got to review it first. So he went to court, and I didn't show up because I didn't even KNOW about it. Because of his shoddy defense, where he had ZERO records obtained for evidence in my favor, I lost the chance for Change of Venue which would have not only accomodated my disabilities and allowed me and my son to visit eachother regularly, but I also lost the opportunity to have the case removed from Wenatchee, where all the prejudice started. There was absolutely NO WAY to get a "fair trial" in that town, after all the Judges and medical people, and social services had done. There were too many people involved and they were all friends, cronies, and interrelated.

Because of some of these things, which are so aggregious, it really does not make sense that Paul Cassel was EVER on my side, or working for ME. When I started writing about his swinger activities, he just became more hostile, but I didn't write about these things until after he was already proving to be a screw-up.

Cassel could have requested more time, or an abatement, to better prepare for my case, and he could have argued to the Judge that he did not yet have medical records which were needed for my case, but he didn't.

6. The sixth thing I can prove, is that the email service was disrupted between Cassel's office and me. One of his partners emailed me and said not to write but to call, because, he said, they were having a crash of their computers and were not getting emails from others. He said they could send email OUT, but were not getting emails from other people. I was told it had been going on for weeks, but that they hadn't realized until later. It sounded like the same thing that was happening to all my other friends who had email correspondence with me--we'd exchange emails and then their systems would either crash, or they quit getting email from people, or would send email and find it hadn't actually been sent out as they believed. I believe someone hacked and deliberately was attempting to disrupt communications between me and my public defender, if the P.D. was trying to help at all. What was odd though, was that Cassel's co-workers all confirmed this was happening, and that they'd had to call in a computer tech for the problem, but PAUL CASSEL tried to DENY it to me. WHY would he try t to deny this was happening? It worked IN our favor, to request more time from the judge, not against us. I thought this was odd. He kept lying to me, saying there had been no email problems whatsoever, even as they had hired a computer tech AND his coworkers were telling me differently. HE didn't know they were telling me differently though, because it was only after he lied to me, that I revealed I'd gotten the information from HIS own office.

I cannot prove it, but by his actions, I fully believe Paul Cassel was working for somebody else, and it wasn't someone who cared about me or my son.

7. Oh, the seventh thing I can prove, is that when I knew Paul was out to screw me, I fired him before he could do damage at the next hearing. Guess what happened? he refused to step down and Judge Hotchkiss told me he was NOT "allowing" me to fire Cassel, so he let Paul go ahead and screw me, and then, after I lost the hearing, the Judge said, with satisfaction, that NOW Cassel was released from representing me.
Both of them deliberately refused to allow me to fire my own counsel until my case was further prejudiced.

I'll think of more things and add them here. I have emails and audio to back up all of this.

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