Thursday, November 27, 2008

"Poker Face" by Lady Gaga (and Katy Perry)

This is excellent.

First time I've listened to "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga. It was released on my birthday this year!

Such a good song. This one is coming up, and we are going to hear more from her. Very cool videos too, she's a natural dancer and actress. She could probably easily cross over into acting.

I don't think it's really original, but she is a lot like Madonna, but with a better voice and a modern edge. The chorus really reminds me of Madonna.

Okay, I take back the great dancer part. I think she's so-so. But I'm likin' this "Beautiful Dirty Rich" too. It made me laugh out loud when I started watching it. Her voice is it, and the fact that we need more dance/electronica/fun music.

I like the Beautiful video best--it cracks me up.

"Love Game" is a catchy track. The opening lyrics were a little over the top irritating to me, "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick" but I like everything else and the rhythm of the lyrics for the chorus. I really like the movement of the chorus...very cool. Perfect for dance. I'll probably have to get this CD.

I think all these songs are from the CD "Fame".

Oh, and I did see some very sick dancing yesterday, so that's what I'm comparing it to...from Katy Perry's (I believe) "Hot n Cold" where th guys are break dancing. I'll have to check and make sure that's the one I'm thinking of. The breakdancing is really good. Yeah, that's it. Just checked. This is a great video for the dancing, and although I think it's more pop-tartish than Gaga, it's great song. Very fun and contagious, despite simplicity. Even some of the dance moves, work for their simplicity (where the women are moving their shoulders up and down--not the break dancing) and I like Perry's and the guy's expression, when he's picking up her message on his cell phone. That's my favorite part, besides the breakdancing. Where she's falling apart, and yelling-singing and he's got this look on his face. hahaahahaha. We all know THAT MAN.

Back to Gaga, just looked up the lyrics. Does she write her own stuff? I haven't found out yet. The lyrics for both Poker Face and Just Dance are great. She reminds me of rap a little, in how she uses the rhythm of the p-p-poker face...and then then on Love Games she uses this in the chorus. My favorite video, for drama, is Beautiful Dirty Rich. I crack up every time I see them joining arms at the long table, that first table scene. So avante-garde laughs-at-self-reality. It makes me sympathetic to the rich, and want to cheer for them too. LOL. Even I want to be rich, just for this video.

I keep going back to Poker Face though. It's my favorite lyrics + music combo for my mood right now.

I have to stop writing about music and move onto other things, but I did just read she writes her own lyrics. She has so many good songs, I think it's worth it to buy her CD and not just the singles.

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