Thursday, November 27, 2008

TTSOML #236: Herniated Disc From Epidural Attempts?

This will be a short, to-the-point post, but I mention this at the end of the last post and I think it deserves a title of its own:

I have often wondered if, rather than breaking or rupturing from the actual childbirth trauma and forced breaking of my bones, if the disc problem was because of the repeated attempts to put in the epidural. The guy didn't know what he was doing and was forceful and kept making attempts and it was very painful. Also, I wonder, because this could have been why it was so painful even though I supposedly had an epidural, and why I needed about 4 shots to even be numb enough for stiches after all the tearing.

You know what's weird too, is that this guy came in acting like he didn't like me from the start, and then he yelled at ME, repeatedly, even though I was trying to be very still, and he was pushing on my back and poking around with the epidural thing.

I seriously think the disc herniation could be his fault. It would make sense too if it's in the general location of where they insert epidurals.

At any rate, some other doctor needs to look at the X-rays and evidence. Because all Wenatchee did, was try to cover it up. The guy who did the epidural was NOT the same epidural woman who came in later and yelled at the mid-wife for letting the epidural run out.

I would have been better off, and probably, "safe", if that other woman had been the one on duty at that time.

It was so forceful and unnecessary, what this other guy did, I wish I knew his name and what his religious affiliation was. Because for some reason, he didn't like me.

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