Thursday, November 27, 2008

TTSOML #235: CPS Mocks My Disability

Despite everything CPS did, to make it difficult for me to visit my son, I did not miss even ONE visit. Even when I had to hitchhike, I missed nothing, and I was always early for my appointments and stayed late whenever I had the opportunity.

It was extremely hard on my body, to travel that way, with my injuries. It was a 4 hour ride on hard and very narrow seats one day, and then I went back the very next day. It was 8 hours of travel within a little over a 24 hour period. I was able to make it work in the winter because not many people were traveling on the Greyhound, and I could usually find two seats side by side, and lie down sideways and adjust so I didn't have to sit straight up-and-down the whole time.

But then the buses filled up and there was consistently only one seat available at a time. When I had to sit upright the entire time, I arrived in severe pain, and by the time I got home, I could hardly work because I was in so much pain. I also started having numbing, tingling in my feet, and sharp pains on one side of my rear end. Not only that, I started having incontinence.

Because of this, and because it was so severe, I asked Wenatchee CPS to schedule two seats for me side by side, or train so there were reclining or larger seats or anything else.

They refused, and when I couldn't make it to the visitation because I was still in pain and symptomatic from the previous week, they discriminated against me and claimed I had CHOSEN to discontinue visitation with my son.

I asked them how this was the case, when prior to the seating problem, I had gone to every appointment, and NOT ONLY THAT, I had requested, by email, that they please allow me MORE visitation. Their response was that they didn't have "funding" for more than one 4 hour visit slot per week. But I was the one who was going to all visitations without fail, and who was also requesting MORE visitation, which they refused, until it was physically impossible for me to travel.

My body was breaking down and I was not in good shape at all.

In response, CPS workers from Wenathcee were not sympathetic, but seemed elated, and they constantly sneered, mocked, and scoffed at my any mention of having injuries or disabilities.

They told me to move to Wenatchee and I said that was not an option. I could already prove it was impossible for me to get medical care of any kind in Wenatchee, and I needed medical care. I asked for Change of Venue, to accomodate my disability, and CPS fought it the whole way, being derisive in the process.

It could have been the ruptured or herniated disc problem in my lower back, combined with my tailbone injuries. I know the tailbone hurt a lot, but the other tingling and pangs were probably from the disc and who knows what else was going on. The incontinence could have been from the damages from the disc.

I have often wondered if, rather than breaking or rupturing from the actual childbirth trauma and forced breaking of my bones, if the disc problem was because of the repeated attempts to put in the epidural. The guy didn't know what he was doing and was forceful and kept making attempts and it was very painful. Also, I wonder, because this could have been why it was so painful even though I supposedly had an epidural, and why I needed about 4 shots to even be numb enough for stiches after all the tearing. I'll repeat this in my next post.

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