Thursday, November 27, 2008

TTSOML #234: Evidence Against CPS

The first evidence I could use against CPS, aside from the fact that they're removal was unlawful to begin with, is that I can prove they were trying to cause distress by not giving me sufficient notice for catching the Greyhound to visit my son, and lying, telling me they never knew where I was going--refusing to tell me which hotel I was staying at when they DID know ahead of time.

I can prove this, because in the internal records for CPS, they have copies of all the vouchers and authorizations they had to sign, which are dated, and next to my emails where I'm asking where I'm going and they're lying, it's proof they knew ahead of time, and chose to cause distress instead.

Oh, and a correction...I said the first time I hitchhiked was after being thrown across the border, but the very first time was in Oregon, when my car was towed on account of Wenatchee Judge Warren, who sent out a false notice that my license was suspended when it was NOT. THAT was the first time I hitchhiked. I didn't hitchhike again, until I was without a car in Blaine, and being told to catch a bus last-minute by Wenatchee CPS.

Also, the placed I worked for, as a housekeeper, if anyone wants to verify a Wenatchee man was on the board, was "Vacation Internationale". In addition, one of the main hotel managers who started acting weird towards me worked at the main hotel in Leavenworth, WA, which is next door to Wenatchee.

The other thing Wenatchee CPS did to me, was that, right after I told Marie Scanlon I didn't have any credit cards, they put me at a different hotel, and didn't tell me where I was going until I was almost in town. When I went to the front desk, the management there told me they'd received the voucher from CPS but that CPS had told them to require and request a credit card from me first.

I didn't have one, and CPS knew it. The management told me I couldn't stay there that night, if I didn't have a card. I had to argue and persuade them that it wasn't my fault, and I wasn't told ahead of time where I was even going, so after much discussion, they said they'd let it slide this one time and told me I couldn't go there again without a credit card. It was another hotel without a business center, again, and what was interesting is that this room cost over a hundered dollars, when the rooms at hotels with business centers cost under $70.

CPS chose to place me at hotels where they thought I would have no access to a computer.

They also scheduled my visitation and meetings too close to bus pickup time, for my return back to Wenatchee, so that I was left without a bus home and had to hitchhike all the way from Wenatchee to Blaine, 4 hours away.

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