Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Laptop Loaner & Baby Shower With Cabbies!

Right after I was told I was "banned" from the computers (I hadn't done anything wrong, they just didn't want me on them), I ran into a guy who said i could use his laptop tonight. I knocked on his door and he wasn't home, so he's either late or changed his mind or both, so I started talking to someone I've met a few times and see quite often (run into casually) and he said I could use his laptop, as long as needed. He's a computer tech and military and has a computer job for military so is around them all day, he said, and, this is good, I figure, because if there are any problems, he'll be able to find them out, with his team backing him.

Very good deal. I owe thanks to a lot of people for their helpfulness. I'm really grateful!

My goal is to find that number for the Apple guy who said he'd just give me a free one. He's high-up in the Apple biz and really wanted to do this for me, but I figured I wouldn't take advantage until really necessary. Also, I have so many cards from cab drivers who offer me free rides whenever they're driving, and to just call, and I haven't done this either.

I am thinking I should assemble a big welcoming baby shower or something, out of all these international cabbies. It would be kind of cool. Get this--one of them even offered to go with me to all my doctor's appointments and everything. He said he's done it before for a woman who asked, who didn't have family, No Strings Attached. He just went out of the goodness of his heart so she had support. A man from Afghanistan.

I think I'll have to get shower invites for taxi drivers.

Hmmmm...who ELSE?

Fortune tellers!

Hmmmm....who ELSE?

My latino kareoke singers!

Hmmm....who ElSE?

Maids and Maintenance Men!

I even had the most thoughtful offer tonight, from some fortune tellers, to help pay for a RT ticket to visit my son. So I was looking into tickets.

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