Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sushi & My Food Cravings

Hmm, about to write serious stuff, because I slept all morning and half the afternoon, but getting hungry...again.

I have to say, I HAVE been slacking a tiny bit. Is this why the firstborn is supposed to be the smartest one (albeit by only 1 or 2 points they say, not to mention abberations)? I had a thin slice of pumpkin cheesecake, and zucchini sticks with horseradish yesterday (among other healthier, organic, things I ate that day, including a middle-of-the-night organic Braeburn apple), and today I broke a rule.

I think the experts are divided on this one though.


I willfully went to a Sushi bar and ordered sushi. It's supposed to be a no-no, but I think if it's on rare occasion, at a very good and very clean place of renown, you're okay. I only had a little bit from the happy hour special--one seared tuna, one salmon with fish eggs, and one raw tuna. YUM. And I had good Japanese green tea.

I also had fish and chips the other day, even though I mainly avoid fish stuff and get my Omegas through distilled cod liver oil, to avoid mercury and other stuff.

I have been craving seafood though. Just about everything. This kid is going to grow up loving seafood I think. My son had sushi recently, for the first time, and LOVES it, and I'm not suprised. He loves baby shrimp and other seafood and I had ceviche when I was pregnant with him. I loved that ceviche. Oh, I ate oysters from the grill too, with salt and lime.

I eat very well though. When I went to WIC, and had to write down my meals for the day, the woman was always asking me what "fancy restaurant" could I afford, to be eating that way. I guess she thought veggies and well rounded meals were fancy. I think one was grilled salmon (I cooked myself), organic fresh green beans, baked potato, and chocolate and organic coffee for dessert. That was pretty typical. My snacks were nuts and fruits.

I really haven't been able to get into nuts this time around. I was eating those sesame bars made from sesame seed and honey, and I've had honey-glazed cashews, and some peanuts, but that's about it.

Today though, I ate almost a whole small jar of pimiento olives (very small jar) and a half of an avocado for a snack. I had oatmeal with raisins for breakfast. I had that apple in the middle of the night, and then the 3-piece sushi, and now I'm hungry again. I'm eating right, I think, in general.

During my pregnancy with my son, knowing how good eggs are, raw, I bought only the freshest eggs from the best organic and cage-free, range-fed, producer, and I ate them raw, Rocky style, a few times a week.

I don't recommend it to mothers who aren't very particular about foods, or who can't go organic. You do have to be careful.

I didn't eat soft cheeses though, or junk with preservatives in it. I avoided those things like the plague.

What I want right now is a scallops and clam and prawn medley in a french sauce. MMmmmmmmmm.

When I was pregnant with my son, I wrote about food a lot. I made a lot of good homemade Chinese food too. I made my own organic sweet and sour chicken over and over, and yes, it was deep-fried in a homemade batter, but it was SO good! with green peppers and onions and pineapple...and then that sweet and sour sauce...I made it all from scratch, using organic and range fed chicken.

That sounds good right now too.

Okay, I'm off to eat, and then I'll be back to write seriously.

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