Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Progress On Complaints

So much for good intentions. I went to my apartment to find something to eat, had 2 glasses of organic milk, took a bath, and then was going to lie down for just a "nap". I couldn't get up again. Slept all the way through the night even though I'd slept half the day away and didn't rise until at least 11 a.m.

I forgot, I also had a piece of pita bread, with yoghurt/mint/cucumber sauce, and the Coban salad. So I'm sure I had enough to eat yesterday.

I rolled out of bed this morning at 8 a.m., and threw on clothes and went to the cafe with mattress prints still on my cheek.

I have some goals for today and tomorrow. These are the days I get the complaints written up and out. It doesn't really matter there's a teleconference today anyway, because they think the whole adjudication part is over and that they're on to services. Well, they have another think coming.

You know, they could have avoided this. I was even ready to go ahead and try their services over here, and made several attempts to do so. After being delayed, lied to, and ignored, I'm DONE.

I will not be doing ANY "services" in this town. I am getting my complaints out, and if the ADA doesn't want to file a lawsuit on my behalf, making my case an example for other cases, then I will proceed to find a lawyer, if need be, in the Bible Belt, wherever, and sue the state for civil rights violations.

I started on my draft for the ADA complaint. I have a very good case, and very good grounds. Someone's gonna get bitch-slapped, and it's not going to be me this time.

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