Wednesday, November 26, 2008

On Strategy Now, With CPS

What I'd like to do next, however, is finish showing what "the state" did to me and my son after I came back to the U.S., and how I managed to survive when I was in Whatcom County, and then how I made my way to D.C. Then you'll have the full scoop.

I'm versatile and adaptible, and I have confidence in myself, that with a few helping hands and my "good people" detector, I can make it "work" for myself wherever I go. You just have to have a strategy, and then be flexible and able to reassess and change goals and locations, depending on new information that comes in.

For example: it's not "instability" to move from D.C., if, after gaining new discovery and insight into how the D.C. CPS office plans to screw me, I realize I need a better location with different demographics.

It would be "instability" to move about, having no plans or strategy, or reasonable analysis. However, if you have enemies, you always have to be aware of who they are and what their faces look like. If you're outnumbered and outresourced in a certain location, and have exhausted options, it is best to temporarily retreat, to a better location, where you can strengthen yourself and find support from others. Then you move forward. To try to move forward when there is resistance, is stupidity.

Therefore, I am adaptable.

When I was in Canada, my plan was NOT to announce "political asylum" even though I had cause. I already did my research and knew it wasn't plausible. But when I was threatened with jail and a criminal citation, I immediately adapted and changed plans and said what I knew would keep me at a better strategic distance.

You have to do your research too. Those immigration lawyers in Canada were SHOCKED when I said I didn't want to announce I was "withdrawing my petition for asylum" and told them why. They looked at me, stunned that I actually knew it would bar me from making such a claim in the future, and what the legal consequences would be. If I hadn't done my OWN research first, before ever going to Canada, things could have been a lot worse for me. Because I did the research, I knew when to "cry" political asylum and when to keep my mouth shut.

So it's the same now. I think ahead of my enemies and I know their patterns already. I still stay open and wiling to negotiate, but on my own terms. I do not negotiate or cooperate with unreasonable and unlawful terms and bullying. I do not negotiate with terrorists, and that's exactly what "the department" and the system has been comprised of in Washington state. I am not so stupid as to not know what a "reasonable offer" is. I look into the future. I look at short term results and long-term outcome and consequences, and if there's nothing in it for me and my son, I'm not going there.

So, if I move again, it is with purpose, not because I'm "unstable" and can't settle anywhere. If one is being pushed out or forced out, as I've been, you realize, you just keep moving until you find proper sanctuary. To remain in a location that is already determined to be unsafe and "unfriendly", is to be a sitting duck.

I don't have everything I need. I am outnumbered, outsourced, outmonied, and in every way, at a disadvantage. But what they have constantly had to contend with, is the fact that my brain works better than 10 of theirs put together, and a big-ass legal team combined. Sorry, but I call a spade a spade, and if this many people have to assemble against ME, then you know they're intimidated and can't do their work independently.

Oh, and moving to Wenatchee? or Washington state? that's fucking moving into their "camp". You don't walk right in unless you're equipped with lawyers. Unfortunately, I've had a lot of enemies who are Catholic zealots, and they move around and are in any number of locations, and have a good network, as I've constantly discovered.

Remember, I never assumed the General Counsel for D.C. CPS was Catholic, but after finding out how he was directing things, I wondered...and I was right. As for the guy "Thomas Farr", who came into my workplace and was condescending, I guessed and was right. I was right about those two women too, I'll bet money, the ones whose credit card info I posted--I'm quite certain they are Catholic as well. I would bet money. And it's not that most Catholics aren't's just that there are a few sadists in the bunch, who must be carrying around prayer cards for Thomas of Canterbury.

Oh, and that's something else I want to write about...

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