Saturday, November 8, 2008

New Theory About Workshirts

I took a huge nap (6 hours), and then woke up and decided to erase my hypothesis about who took the shirts.

Only one person seems to fit, but it could be something else. I know I'm not wrong about them appearing and disappearing, but someone else who knows me or knows where I work could have put the other one back when no one was looking, and it is possible that one of the other roommates at this guys house was taking and replacing things.

I have just decided, that I cannot prove anything so, because people can even try to set other people up, I'm not going to make assumptions at this point.

I will keep my eyes and ears open, but since it is possible some other person or people are behind this, I'm going to give him the benefit of a doubt on this one.

It still doesn't eliminate the need for a better explanation of the comments made, and it doesn't rule him OUT, but I can't say he "did" it. Besides which, there are cameras at my workplace, and I don't know who would do this with cameras around.

Unless it's just live feed and nothing is recorded on tape or something. But it wasn't there, and some camera should show someone putting it there or going into that cubby at least.

I'm not going without surveillance cameras anymore. I don't care if I have to get a cheap one. It would eliminate any questions about who does this kind of thing. I've had very serious thefts in the past, where nothing "reappeared" (like my medical documents) and even though this is more of a prank, I'm not putting up with it.

I got my voice recorder, and caught people basically lying to me (I think) about how I couldn't fill out a release form to expedite the CPS transition, and telling me they couldn't do services for me and trying to stall, and only because I had technology could I later back myself up to prove it.

When people are making false claims there is something wrong with me mentally, which isn't true, I have to back up what happens even more. Which doesn't hurt, and is something I should have done more of all along.

I guess I would rather second-guess myself and my theory of who did it, than falsely accuse someone, even if most of the "circumstantial evidence" leads to this conclusion.

I know how it is to be falsely accused, and I'm very careful not to do this to others.

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