Friday, November 21, 2008

People Trying To Sabotage My Job

I have people trying to sabotage my job now. Well, it's been going on for the last several weeks, but probably most noticeably after I posted the credit card numbers of the two women who came in and harassed me.

Since then, since they tucked the credit card receipts into their pockets and lied to me at the restaurant, claiming I never gave them the receipts, and since I posted some of their info, I've had people come in in groups, claiming I've made a bunch of mistakes I haven't made.

I've also had several customers, who are not regulars, come in to my tables, and order something from me, and I get it right and then they claim they never ordered it to begin with. For example, some guy orders a beer and then says he wants another. After it's been opened or poured, he tells me he never wanted another one. Today I had a woman claiming she didn't order an extra on her burger (when she did--it was sauteed onions) and then said she wanted sauteed mushrooms.

I can understand thinking one thing and saying something else, but this is happening A LOT. Not only that, last week, on one night I had THREE different groups walk out of the restaurant with the credit card receipts on them, and I had to chase them down and ask for the real receipts with signatures. Sometimes, out of a group, just one or two would be missing. Which would have been a loss of maybe $40 had I not caught it, because it would come out of my pocket and also look like my mistake. I can understand forgetting about a receipt, but 3 times in one night, from different parties, and then a bunch of people ordering things and then claiming they never ordered something, is not normal.

I know when I've made mistakes, and I own up to them. I am aware, because if I forget, it always comes back to me. For example, someone orders a side of mayo. I forget and then I remember, Oh yeah, they need mayo. I've done this.

But my memory is very good, and while I occasionally make mistakes as any server does, when I'm corrected, my memory is refreshed.

What I have happening now, and in the last few weeks, is people deliberately coming in to sabotage my job.

Enough people know where I work now, or have figured it out, or the people coming in to harass me, who read my blog, let their friends know where I may be found.

Not only that, people are making complaints to management and the cooks, making me sound bad.

I had this happen to me at a coffee place I was working at, where I was doing a good job, but a few people who had a problem with me and knew who I was, started causing problems. I looked up some of the names and they were Catholic.

Again, not every Catholic is trying to do bad things to me. Obviously. But out of the ones who ARE, they are usually turning out to be Catholic, so the odds are a little overwhelming.

As a result of the badmouthing, my boss hired two new people and is claiming, to me, that I'm not being fired. There is not a need for two new people though, as all our other waiters agree it's been slower than usual most nights.

I told my boss I had made a few mistakes more recently, because I am pregnant. I am literally not getting the same kind of oxygen to my brain, and that's a scientific fact. Pregnant women get brain fog for this reason. Anyone can read up on it. However, while I've made a couple of spacey mistakes, I remember after I've spaced, that I made the mistake.

There are way more "mistakes" happening, supposedly, than I am literally making. I figured, after this, I am probably already on the way out. My boss said she wasn't firing me, but I guess not until the other new people are trained. In the meantime, I'm taking my recorder around with me. Maybe it sounds extreme, but I have had an excessive amount of lying from some customers and the only way to prove I'm not making those mistakes, is to be able to back it up.

I also question my boss a little. Not the owner, but the woman who is the hiring supervisor. She has never liked me and the cooks even know and comment on how she treats me differently. But I've always brought in some of the best sales and customers always liked me (until recently), so my job was safe. I think certain people are giving her an excuse to let me go.

I guess I also wonder about her, just a little, because another employee who had known her a long time said when she was trying to get rid of her, incorrect things would come up on her tab that she hadn't put there and there's only one other person who can enter things onto a ticket. This has happened to me too, but it could be mistakes, honest mistakes, which I end up taking the blame for. It's only happened a couple of times lately. But again, today it happened, and actually, someone else caught it as not being my mistake when it would have been made to look like my mistake, and it got corrected.

I don't want any problems. I just want to be able to do my job, and I do a great job. I don't have any personal problem with any worker there either, not even this supervisor, even though everyone else has noticed how she doesn't seem to like me. She's Catholic too, but I never thought of that being an issue at all, unless she has read my blog and doesn't like it or something. She has a lot of Irish Catholics who come in to see her, so I've wondered because some of these guys roll their eyes about me, including the priest I once mentioned, who was there the day that guy wrote my a death threat.

Oh, the other thing, I told coworkers I was pregnant on Monday night. The posting for new servers went up on Craigslist the very next night, on the 18th, a little less than 24 hours later.

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