Friday, November 21, 2008

Policemen in My Hallway

I'm also curious about the two armed officers who were coming out of the hallway to my apartment the other day. I wrote about them, because I had left my computer without stating I was taking a "break" to run upstairs and use the restroom. They came around the corner pretty fast when I was coming out of the elevator. There is a camera in the computer room here.

So I just wondered, because they told me it was a "false alarm". I looked around. A false alarm for WHAT?! So, as I said, I was curious about this "false alarm". I knocked on EVERY SINGLE DOOR down that hallway, and half of the people weren't even home. Of the ones who WERE home, they said they hadn't heard or seen any police and they were perplexed.

What I would like to know, is if, down at the police department, there is any record of a call or "false alarm".

I would like to know what those officers were doing and why they just so happened to be leaving as I was uxpectedly going up.

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