Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pregnancy & The Body

They're good. I commented I am eating a little more junk this time around, but that just translates into a few more carbs here and there. I've had one half of a Red Bull in my entire pregnancy so far, and very little caffeine, no alcohol, and I take a very good prenatal: Rainbow Light prenatals and I take my distilled for contaminants cod liver oil.

With my son I also took a little borage and flax seed, but then I read borage isn't always good so I cut it out--I'd only had a few of those vitamins anyway. I crused and ground my own flaxseed though.

I bought organic flaxseed and added it to smoothies, but I keep forgetting to use it. I should just take some in a jar in my purse, to use throughout the day.

Someone told me Clopamid or something (a mild tranquilizer)--klonopine--was okay during pregnancy, and gave me one of their 1 mg. pills, and I said I wasn't going to use it while I was pregnant. I haven't used it, and don't plan to, unless there happened to be some crazy emergency where I had to calm down and not taking it would be riskier than taking it. I looked up all the info on it first and just wouldn't take it, even once, unless it was for a bad panic attack emergency or something. Hmmm...just read up on it again and I don't think I'd even take it for a bad panic attack. Not a full 1 mg. at least. Maybe a half if it was for a life-saving reason, but I don't really have life-saving reasons. I'm not suicidal and I don't get suicidal or crazy. I had one time, where I deliberately provoked to such an idea and I swore I'd never do it again and I've never once considered it since. I basically just don't have a need for any kind of medication at all, except for the times I've needed meds for pain relief, for migraine or broken bones or injury. I don't use stuff recreationally and I only even drink on occasion. I did more drinking once I was in D.C. as a waitress, because that's just part of the biz, but even then I wasn't an alcoholic and when I wanted to quit I did. It's not hard for me because I've never had a problem with it. Anyway, in D.C., people drink like fishes. Can't say I blame anyone. Oh, also, I'm not giving too many details, to protect the person (male or female no one will know) but the person who gave me the one pill, has a degree in psychology and works with a major health institute besides. They really know the stuff and then I got the info and confirmed it by doing research.

I haven't had any marijuana for months, but I'm not having migraines with this pregnancy either, which is good. Honestly, I think even in pregnancy, a couple of inhales to abort a 3 day migraine has to be better for the woman and the baby than taking narcotics, morphine, or anything else (most other stuff is prohibited during pregnancy--for example, non-narcotic remedies are classed as worse for pregnancy than narcotics, for birth defects).

Anyway, I get my food groups.

I'm lucky in that I have never thrown up in pregnancy, but this time, I feel more naseous and tired now and then. I almost thought I was having twins at first, because my back hurt so bad, and I felt symptoms worse.

I pretty much knew I was pregnant right away. I had a weird feeling, the very night the baby was conceived. It came to mind, "That's a baby right there." I just knew somehow, and then, sure enough, I was waking in the middle of the night one week later, raiding the fridge for eggs to cook up and eat. I was so hungry! I got moody and teary too, and extremely tired.

I know my body.

I've always been very in tune with my body, which is why I've always known when something was wrong. Even when doctors tried to say I was fine, if my body's messages said differently, I knew not to listen.

And so far, to date, I've always been right!

Doctors said I had only torn some ligaments when I broke my knee, and I said, no, I think I broke my knee. Doctors said I didn't have a traumatic childbirth and break bones and I said hell yes I did. Doctors said my back pain was "natural" and that I should "deal with it" like I was a whiner and I ended up in ER with a major kidney infection.

And I have also maintained things happened to me and my son, which affected our health, and this was also right.

I am right, right, right.

If you want to say I'm narcissistic for being right, then go ahead. I believe people, in general, know their bodies.

Some people may be even more in tune with their body than others. I was an athlete at high performance for years, and I think this helped train me as to what was normal and not normal with regard to pain and adjustments in the body.

I ran cross-country and track, and pushed my limits, and I've always been flexible and skilled at picking up new sports. I got up on waterskis, at age 13, my first try. I got up on skiis, at 15, my first try and was skiing intermediate runs by the end of the day. I got up on a windsurfing board, even if it was a kid's rig, first try.

I know how to use my body. I know what feels right, and what feels wrong. I am in the head, and I am also sensory and know how something should feel.

Anyway, I went off on a tangent, but this is how I knew I was pregnant before I tested positive. I am able to accurately assess what messages my body sends me.

The doctors who lied about me, were wrong, and lied about me knowing they were wrong. They thought they could convince even ME to believe them, that my pain was in my head and not real. They wanted me to doubt myself, because they were covering things up.

I am going to prove it, prove it, prove it.

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