Sunday, November 23, 2008

Request to File for New Trial

Below I've pasted my email request for New Trial. I should have also included the fact that the "state" or "department" was well aware that my ability to defend myself in this case would be impaired by PTSD, a disability they acknowledged I had a mild form of, in the Fair Hearing they lost prior to trying to convict me in this CPS case. Not only that, they concealed the fact they ordered my son to be removed from me on illegal grounds, and forced the return of my son from Canada through flagrant lies they drummed up with a Protection Order they filed AFTER we had left the country, AFTER they told me it was legal for me to leave. Not only that, there were conflicts of interest with both of my public defenders, one who had contact with me prior to this trial and who refused to mail me copies of his motions before filing them. I never saw what he was doing as a result, and missed a hearing even. He also failed to obtain a medical record I asked him to include, to prove physical disability and reason for change of venue.

Please File "Request for New Trial"‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Sun 11/23/08 6:08 PM

Dear Juanita,

I am not only requesting a response with regard to my previous requests for hearings, but this is my formal request for New Trial, based on the fact that the prosecution and CPS withheld evidence which was exculpatory and important to my case, and because I was not given the other discovery in a timely manner prior to hearings or trial, and also was not given sufficient notice in order to be able to proceed pro se in my case which directly affected my ability to prepare and defend against false and frivolous accusations taken out of context.

I demand New Trial, and I demand that this and my other request for hearings be immediately filed.

Should I be denied the right to New Trial and to either reasonable counsel or full evidence in order to prepare pro se, I will then have grounds to file a civil rights case against the state.

Thank you and please confirm this request has been viewed by the Judge and filed in the court record.

Cameo Garrett

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