Sunday, November 23, 2008

Still Ignored By Douglas County Court (copy of email)

Request for Hearing Filed?‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Sun 11/23/08 5:56 PM

Dear Juanita,

Please let me know whether my email asking for a hearing to modify visitation and to discuss an order to obtain discovery and evidence which was deliberately missing from the fact finding hearing, has been filed.

I have asked, on multiple occasions, for a hearing, and also asked for confirmation that my request was filed with the court.

I was told my one email asking for the CD discovery (audio) was filed, but after I repeatedly asked about my other requests,
I have been ignored.

I have requested full and fair hearing, for modification of visitation orders where I would call members of the Avila family to testify, and for a hearing which could be arranged for that same day, to request the release of evidence which was withheld from fact finding, which resulted in direct prejudice to my case and rights. I specifically listed the medical documents which were not obtained or which "the department" could not "remember" seeing, and stated I want an order for their immediate release and inclusion to the court record, to Judge Hotchkiss, and to myself.

I find it inexcusable that my requests have been ignored and that I cannot even get confirmation as to whether my requests have been filed or seen by Judge Hotchkiss.

I have a hearing coming up, and as it was Judge Hotchkiss's decision to force me to go pro se, I am entitled to make requests for hearings and for discovery, and ignoring these requests only establishes continued prejudice and arbitrary bias and perhaps even cooperation by this court, to obstruct justice and conceal the corruption through illegal withholding of evidence.

Cameo Garrett

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