Saturday, November 22, 2008

TTSOML #219: My Immigration Attorneys

i'm actually really hungry and need to get some food now. i will be back in a little while, maybe a half hour or so. i want to finish some of these posts, so i'll be working late.

also, this will be erased, but if anyone has been through the immigration system, i feel your pain.

i am able to walk in the shoes of many, many, people i never understood before, and this is the good thing i take from the bad. you can't write about what you don't know, and can't empathize, and can't speak up about policy or law or have any kind of real life experience or claim to be an authority on the subject, when you don't go through it.

UPDATE: i'm tired. had hot dog and pancake. nice fattening carbs and sloggish now. going to bed to rise early a.m. and finish more ttsomls. goodnight.

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