Wednesday, November 5, 2008

TTSOML #160: Wenatchee Vaccination Cover Up

Before I go into this topic and TTSOML, I want to make additional note of the fact that Columbia Valley Community Health primarily serves the hispanic population of Wenatchee, which is also primarily comprised of "illegal aliens". This is a follow-up post to TTSOML #158 about VAERS.

The clinic does not discriminate against those who are workers in Wenatchee because they are not citizens or there legally. I figure this is because Wenatchee still wants to keep their workers healthy, and figures it's a way to repay after almost a hundred years of exploitation.

That said, if the vaccination problems that happened with my son, and the cover up, was not just about ME and MY son, I wondered what they were giving the rest of the people. I figure it is just about me and my son and how they gave my son the wrong vaccines on the wrong schedule, and then covered it up. However, it also crossed my mind, that in times past, people have been used for "experimental vaccinations" in the past. It is a part of our history. The U.S. especially has had no qualms doing this, when it was believed a certain population was less "beneficial" or "worth less", or when the population was there illegally. In the past, blacks and also, prisoners, and those with any form of mental impairment, have been used as guinea pigs. Also included, anyone doing anything illegal. For example, the CIA used prostitution houses they rigged up themselves, to test out LSD on unsuspecting clients. The prostitutes were instructed to drug their drinks and then the activity was observed. The idea was, "Well, these guys are doing something illegal anyway..." so it made it more excusable. For illegal immigrants, I wondered, because although new laws have been passed which do not permit experiments to be performed on citizens without their consent (supposedly), this is not a law which extends to those who are NOT citizens.

So I sort of wondered what kind of vaccination programs were being run through Columbia Valley. If there were old vaccinations, and ones with Thimerserol (which they did have), I'm sure they didn't care if they were used on them and probably didn't want to have to buy new ones if I reported an adverse reaction. However, that said, and out of the way, I think it is much more likely that this was something specific happened to my son which was covered up.

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