Wednesday, November 5, 2008

TTSOML #161: Wenatchee Lawyers ("Ban" from CVCH and WIC)

The first people to claim they had to "ban" me from their grounds, which was a lie, was the clergy of Mt. Angel Abbey and their lawyers from Bullivant. There was never a need, because I wasn't even going up there after I reported their monk, except to return books. I did zero protesting on their grounds--it was done in a public place in the adjoining town. They "banned" me after one of their priests assaulted me in a church service, on their grounds, which I've already written about. I reported it to the officer as I was driving away, and he saw evidence of what I was talking about, and wanted to write it up. His superiors told him not to. Subsequently, I was "banned".

The next time a group tried to "ban" me was when Dr. Butler claimed, lying, he needed to "ban" me and my son from his clinic. This was after I CAUGHT him lying, and trying to cover up our damages, AND after I had already sent him an email, which several people were cc'd on, telling him I was quitting his services. I quit him, asking for just enough time to find a new PCP, and his lawyers, from Davis Arneil, shot off a letter "banning" me and me son from any further services from the clinic, even when we had a legal right to 30 days care after being "kicked out". He claimed I was harassing or something, which was a lie. The only people harassing, were Butler, and his nurse, when they yelled at me in their office, after I told him I was leaving. I left their offices crying, not yelling in return. Any camera in that clinic would prove this to be true.

At this time, I was still in close communication with Christa, who obviously still was working with Dick Whittemore and John Kaempf and passing on all information. Anything THEY could do, to further their cause in trying to defame me and clear themselves, was in their interests. They knew I could still write about what they did to me, so it was in their interests to help others make ME look like I had a pattern of needing to be "banned". I was telling Christa all about the things which were happening with the medical people there and what I was going to do next.

So, after I was going to report Columbia Valley for refusing to give me my son's vaccination documentation, and after I called to report their lie about giving me the medicine they said they gave me (morphine), and after they tried to conceal what happened to me and my son, and after we QUIT--they sent a letter from their lawyers to "ban" us.

THEN, they tried to "ban" me and my son from WIC services, through the state. WIC is a federal program which allows parents to obtain food before and after pregnancy, for the baby.

Dr. Butler's office was connected to the WIC office I went to, as Dr. Butler was the President of that WIC office. That WIC office never claimed to have a problem with me, but after he and his lawyers "banned" me and my son and "kicked" us out of Columbia Valley, he then proceeded to tell WIC I couldn't go there anymore. I told the WIC woman, who took me into her office to tell me Dr. Butler said we had to leave, that I had a right to receive WIC services there. I had done nothing wrong. She admitted I'd done nothing wrong, but told me that's what the lawyers were telling her to do.


The Wenatchee lawyers of Davis Arneil were trying to kick my SON and I off of WIC services, in retaliation for my efforts to report problems.

I told Laurie I'd like to see those instructions, in writing, from "the lawyers". She said she'd call and see what to do next, and I made note of the "discrimination" policy posted near the door in the office, to call the Office Of Civil Rights with any complaints.

And I did.

I was told I had to put a complaint in writing, which I didn't do. The next thing I knew, the WIC offices were backing down. I was told I could still receive WIC, but that I had to go to a different clinic, which was all the way across the river, totally out of the way. I lived only two blocks away from the WIC I'd been going to, and I said it was unfair to force me out, and make me go to another WIC, without cause, when I was closest to THAT WIC office and wouldn't be able to get out in my car, when it was snowing.

Not once did I get a letter from the lawyers of Davis Arneil, about leaving WIC. They tried to force me and my son out, illegally, under discriminatory practices, just to harass us, and yet they were never willing to put in writing. They simply kept telling Laurie and the managers to try to kick us out.

I called the state offices. I was transferred to a "Cathy" who did absolutely nothing. I first tried to make a complaint at the state level, and everyone involved with the state just did odd things and tried to cover things up.

The next thing that happened, is that I was told I had to return a breast pump I was still using for son. The WIC offices said I had to give it back after Dr. Butler and the lawyers were trying to kick us out of WIC. I told them they had never told me I had to give back the breast pump, and that I was told I could use it as long as needed.

It gets even stranger.

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