Saturday, November 8, 2008

TTSOML #179: Computer Problems History (VIII)

The last thing I was told to do was to try getting a desktop computer which didn't have bluetooth and was a little older. So I tried this next.

But before I tried this, I should make note of the fact that I took the laptop I had, to make a few clips of me and my son together, at times when we did not have the pains.

We had a two or three week break after Thanksgiving I believe it was. I had thought it was odd because it happened right after I wrote an email to someone, stating I was dying, that I didn't know what was wrong, but both me and my son were not okay and I felt I was dying. I remembered how weird it was, I thought, that as if on cue, all the pangs and aching just quit after I'd written online that I believed I was dying.

Right after I sent that, it stopped. I started to get stronger and felt good and made a couple of clips of me and my son, and then, right around Christmas it started again.

I was looking things up about people and it got worse, and I don't know if I was trying to file a complaint too. I don't know.

I had people tell me not to write stuff about it in my blog, and I KNEW it sounded crazy to people who didn't know how it was technically possible, or to those who didn't know the kind of powerful people I'd offended, who might have motive and resources to do such a thing. But I felt, if I document this, no one can say later that I just made up symptoms to fit something down the road. I also felt, maybe someone out there who believed me would be able to help figure out what was being used and how it was possible. So despite the fact writing about "radio waves", at first glace, sounded schitzo, I did what was in line with the truth.

Besides, we were trapped. I kept trying to get medical diagnostics and help, and no one would do anything. I felt an MRI would prove things were happening in my body, such as overactive muscle movement, or who KNOWS what.

I at least had a blood test done. I was told it was "normal" and it was written up this way, when the actual blood results from the lab came back in the "abnormally low" range for a couple of unusual things. My blood tests came back with results like those of someone going through chemo. I was abnormally low in things which are uncommon to be low in (which I wrote about earlier in my blog).

I figured, if I could get a blood sample taken from my son as well, and the results were the same, it would PROVE both he and I were being affected by an external source. So I tried, and the doctors in Wenatchee did everything in their power to ensure no blood analysis was taken on my son.

They stuck my son with needles, and drew a little blood, but not enough to test, and made excuses to having a pro do it. If they really thought it was unnecessary and invasive or cruel, they wouldn't have stuck my son with needles to begin with. They would have refused from the outset. Instead, they claimed my son was too little and blood couldn't be drawn--that it wasn't 'working'. I said what kind of medical facility doesn't know how to draw blood from a child? without incurring pain or suffering?

Backing up, I will detail this, but Andy Panda also asked me where I lived. He said my location was very near cell phone towers and radio towers. He said some kind of interferrence could be happening, or that someone was able to use waves from these towers, to jump on and provide easier access to my computer. But he didn't know. He also asked about power lines around my house and told me about "power line sickness" which can happen when the electrical charge is too high. Not only did we live near cell and radio towers, we lived a mile away from the Rocky Reach Dam, which was a huge source of electricity.

I didn't know how someone was able to do what they were doing, but I was trying to find out.

Panda told me to get a desktop. He said it was next to impossible to get onto a desktop, especially one without bluetooth, and if I didn't go online.

So I went to Walmart and got a desktop.

Oh, I still forgot to mention, when I had the laptop with the webcam, I took it with my son to see some Christmas lights in the area (my car was just then working again). I noted the bluetooth kept coming on even though I kept switching it off.

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