Saturday, November 8, 2008

TTSOML #180: Computer Problems History (VIIII)

What CPS knew, because I told them, was that I did not come up with the "radio or X-ray" wave theory on my own. Schitzo people might, but I was not and have never been, nor did I have a breakdown.

I took information that was given and explained to me by a professional, and made sense of it. I happened to AGREE with him, I did not develop some whacked out theory from my own imagination. Not only that, since I've been in the D.C. area, I've met people in both the medical and military fields who have stated this is possible.

The main guy who first gave an actual technology hypothesis, was and is getting his PhD in MRI technology. He asked me not to reveal his name and I won't. But he specialized, before MRI technology, in satellite technology. He said what happened to me and my son was possible through satellite technology. He said someone in government or military would have to be involved. He also said high levels of any kind of MRI or other waves, will produce muscle fasciculations, because, he said, it heats the muscles. He was doing experiments on animals and saw what it did to their bodies.

He was sufficiently frightened enough, and enough of a believer in what I was telling him, to beg me to never say his name because he didn't want anyone messing with him or going after his grant money, or kicking him out of the country.

But he said everything I described was possible.

I also met some people who were trying to get grant money for the black hole deal, I can't remember what it is, where it generates electrons or protons or something and simulates what might happen with a black hole. They did it first, I believe, in Europe, and these guys were in D.C. to appeal for continued funding of their similar project. (UPDATE: I looked it up, it's called the Large Hadron Collider).

They told me the Navy was currently working, and has been working, on top secret technology which could find missles (or anything) from a great distance and destroy them through some kind of laser or other technology. I am not certain the correct term would be "laser" but I think that was how this was described, and yet I believe they said it was through using highly directed microwaves or MRI type of technology.

I was also told the FBI has certain technologies which are unavailable and more top secret.

Finally, when I took one of the laptops back to Office Depot, the guys there made such a big deal about how I couldn't return it (when there was no reason not to) that I called Wenatchee police. I wanted my money back and they weren't going to give it to me and were abusive and I thought it was bizarre. I could show the problem to the police at least. So the officer shows up and I asked him if he had a computer department. He said they wouldn't get involved. I said they SHOULD, because I was having constant problems with computers and I could prove it.

And I did. I showed him, with him watching, as one of the Office Depot guys was claiming nothing was wrong with it, I showed him all these weird date modifications, and I demonstrated for him all the rootkits which were found on the computer. I did it, right in front of his eyes. He saw them come up and his response was that he didn't know what a rootkit was. Like, "So? what's a rootkit?" Finally, he admitted it was odd and said well it must have just been used. I told him, no, THIS computer was one that had NOT been used and it came in sealed packaging.

I got my money back, but the officer and the Office Depot guy exchanged looks about me.

I had at least proved, in front of an officer, that something WAS wrong with the computer.

As for the blood lab, I didn't come up with my own idea that anything was "abnormal". It said "abnormal" right there on the lab, but the doctor claimed everything was normal.

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