Saturday, November 15, 2008

TTSOML #197: Medical People Fraud In Chelan, WA

I believe I left off where my son was being continually pricked with a needle and the woman took it out just as she finally was doing it right. I got a referral from the doctor, to go from this community clinic in Chelan, to the Chelan hospital. Things got more strange.

I had an order and a referral, but this one nurse came over and acted like she didn't like me at all. It took a very long time just to get my son into a room. Then, I thought they were trying to help. I thought so, at first, and then it turned into a bizarre melodrama.

I had my son looking at all the fish in the tank, which he loved. Then, because they heard about how he was traumatized, they gave him a teddy bear, which he grabbed and hugged right away. I held my son on my lap, and about 3 nurses or attendants were there. However, it was like a set-up where they wanted me to THINK they were trying to draw blood, and yet they "couldn't". The nurse stabbed him again, and didn't do it right. They didn't want me to watch and I was watching, because no one is going to do ANYTHING to my son outside of my supervision, especially medically.

Let me tell you something. I do not exaggerate. I have had my OWN blood drawn hundreds of times. I've been hospitalized for surgeries, car accidents, and have given blood to Red Cross. I know what a pro looks like. Not only that, I watched my own mother, countless times, giving shots to puppies when I was a little girl and teen. She raised Shelties and did the vaccinations and boosters herself and SHE was also a pro. She watched her own mother do it and her sister also does it.

It was like an act was being staged, and my son was poked and the nurse made a big deal about it and said she couldn't do it unless he was "put under". She asked me if that's what I wanted and I said no, that if they were medical professionals, they had to KNOW how to give children and infants shots and how to draw blood. I asked if there was anything that could be given to my son locally, a local shot, to numb the area and they said no. Which is a lie, as far as I know. They sprayed a topical on his arm, to appease ME, which I already know does nothing for a needle going UNDER the skin. I got upset and said I was going to just have to take my son to Seattle to Children's and have it done.

One of the nurses just freaked out. I asked to speak to an administrator and before I got to speak to one, as I had to wait, I found out I was slandered by the nurse who had been "pretending" to draw blood. It was inexcusable. I waited and then spoke to someone, and I noticed a worker, or someone in the background, listening in in another room later. I remembered hoping it was someone on my side and not theirs, hearing everything.

But I didn't have a tape recorder with me, so I wasn't able to verify I had done nothing wrong and hadn't screamed at them or anything. I just got upset and then I was harassed. Not only that, this nurse thought I was buying her act. She did not appear, to me, to be even trying to take my son's blood.

Then she was accusing me of wanting my son to go through "invasive diagnostics" that were unnecessary, and she even claimed, I think but I'm not sure, that I had wanted my son to be put under, which I said I did NOT want.

So I left, and they had a police officer standing by. Like I was a threat. It was just more of "the same" from that whole town. And Chelan and Wenatchee are the same thing/town basically. Same police, same people.

I found out, right before I left, that the doctor at the Chelan clinic had actually been the one to CALL THEM and tell them not to draw blood on my son. He gave ME a paper of referral, but at one point, I overheard one of the nurses on the phone with a doctor, talking about not doing it. He had wanted me to believe they were drawing my son's blood.

Then I was at the counter, at the Chelan hospital, and I was talking to the one nurse who was awful, and I was in front of the assistants at the desk, and they overheard everything, and this nurse later lied and claimed I'd said a bunch of things I didn't say, and I looked to the assistants to back me up, but they were too intimidated and didn't want to be involved. It was their job, so I don't blame them. They had to work there, I didn't.

When I found out the doctor at the clinic had rescinded his order, I drove back to the clinic to find out why. I went to the door and no one would answer. I was told, when I wanted to speak to him from the Chelan hospital, that he "had left for the day already". They told me the doctor had already left the clinic and I had a GUT feeling he had NOT "left". So I drove over. As I came out from knocking on the door, I was walking back to my car when I see HIM, coming out of the office through a BACK DOOR. I walked over to him and asked why he'd told them to cancel the blood draw. He stammered. His wife was in a station wagon, I believe, or larger car, with their kids, and I said I was going to report him for unethical behavior and lying, and turned around and walked to my car. I was getting INTO my car when HE walks over to me and gets IN MY FACE and angrily says he is going to make sure CPS takes my son away from me. I looked at him in shock and said, "What?!!!" and he said he was going to make sure I was written up to look crazy and he was calling CPS the next day to have them take my son from me. I asked him to back away and he got closer. I told him again, to back away and just then a nurse from the clinic, named Sarah, I believe, was driving by slowly. I looked at her, and said, "Call the police, I have asked him to get away from me and he won't get out of my way." The nurse looked at me and laughed haughtily and said, "I'm not calling the police."

I couldn't believe it. This doctor had FOLLOWED me to my car as I was RETREATING and was harassing me, and visibly harassing me, and this nurse witnessed it and said she wasn't calling anyone. All I remember is that I noticed her cross and church paraphernellia on her van. So of course I guessed "catholic".

At any rate, after I mentioned police, he started to back off of his own accord so I could get into my car.

I drove away, shaking.

I knew there was something wrong with me and my son, and what was happening to us. I had at least a chance of proving it, if I could get a blood sample from my son, and if his blood abnormalities matched mine. It would show we were both having specific problems which couldn't be explained by anything other than an external problem. It was a way to prove I wasn't imagining things. I KNEW my son was suffering from the same things I suffered from. My grandparents saw this happen to him too, and in how much pain he was in.

But the doctors didn't want me to get confirmation.

I was going to go to Children's to get confirmation, and was on a timeline to do it, and then CPS kicked up their heels and tried to sink their teeth in.

A blood draw on a child should not be a traumatic thing. When done by professionals, there is minimal pain to a child and it's done efficiently. It was not an unnecessary, or harmful diagnostic. It was merited, and had it been done by a pro at Children's, it would have taken a few minutes at most.

Imagine if my son's blood HAD been drawn and if the lab showed the exact same abnormalities. Imagine what kinds of conclusions could have been made, at least from a starting point. It would have been verifiable, objective evidence that my son and I, both of us, for whatever reason, had matching abnormally low levels of glucose and alkaline phosphate. It would have been a form of evidence and one proof that could have been pointed to.

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