Saturday, November 15, 2008

TTSOML #198: CPS Calls and Attempt To Admit Me

It was after this that CPS called. About the same time, I'd gone to Wenatchee Valley Medical Center, and had the whole thing happen with the dermatologist claiming my son didn't have tinea versicolor, after I'd told their offices it was Dr. Butler's fault, for not treating systemic thrush when required, and was further proof of negligence.

I tried complaining to the Board, and to Dr. Freed, and they all jerked me around and were rude. With all of the things that were happening, I questioned Dr. Freed's role in all of this, and his secretaries and assistants got mad at me for that. Anything that any doctor did, had to go through Dr. Freed first. I couldn't choose my own doctor there, Dr. Freed chose for me. I couldn't go to the walk-in and have anything done without the doctor saying there was a note in my chart to contact Dr. Freed before doing anything with me. I was micromanaged by Dr. Freed, and under his management, I couldn't even get an X-ray to prove I had a broken tailbone initially, and I had to go to Seattle for that.

Things went from bad to worse. The doctors and medical professionals, in that town stick together. Dr. Freed was a Wenatchee boy. He was part of the good old boys and had gone to elementary school and high school in Wenatchee. The families there are ingrown.

So then Dr. Freed's Board and doctors "kicked" us out, actually, I think they did this about the same time they tried to shove us over to Chelan. I got the feeling, the very distinct feeling, that my son and I were being dragged all over town, refused treatment, harassed, and then kicked out, as a way of forcing us out after having first dibs at tampering with and skewing my medical charts. They wanted me and my son to LEAVE the state and when I didn't, and they found out I was looking for a lawyer for medical malpractice in Seattle, they suddenly WANTED me to go to THEIR doctors, where they wrote cover up summaries and chart notes and slandered me as mentally ill and abusing narcotics, which I never did. If they could SAY I was a drug addict though, that was a good way of covering for a possibly upcoming medical malpractice lawsuit where I would be asking for pain and suffering damages.

I didn't need daily narcotics until the damages from childbirth.

After they thoroughly slandered me, at the same time, they were trying to get CPS to take my son. I was getting diagnostics for my son, and trying to HELP my son but I think they knew that if he was out of my care, I couldn't sue on his behalf, as his guardian. You have to be the legal guardian to sue.

I believe this is part of the attempt to stall on services as well. The longer Wenatchee and other CPS agencies stall on things, with regard to my son, the more the clock is ticking. I do NOT believe everyone at Washington D.C. CPS is bad. In fact, I think I have some D.C. people on my side. But Wenatchee, I'm sure was afraid of that, and wanted the General Counsel to be involved and probably made sure Michelle Farr and whomever else, would go along with them to disrupt the process.

The longer they delay, the better the chances are that I either miss the statute of limitations for filing for medical malpractice for my son, when I have a brain injury firm that is interested in looking at my son's case. Also, they know that if they can delay and disrupt the bond I have with my son, it sets it up so my son can be adopted by my aunt's family, in which case, they are "safe" from lawsuit forever.

After the threat from the Chelan doctor, and the bizarre attempt to refuse to get a blood sample from my son for analysis, and after being threatened by Wenatchee ER doctors that they were going to have me "admitted to a psych ward" and have my son taken away from me, I knew these people wouldn't stop.

I also knew they didn't think I was mentally ill or they wouldn't be so angry and insulting and yell in my face about their great "plans". They were red-faced, spitting FURIOUS with me. And not once did it have anything to do with my son. They were FURIOUS with me, for calling attention to their deficiencies and for being able to get further proof they'd harmed me and my son.

The mental health professionals that were called in, were perplexed by the demands of the Wenatchee doctors. Those doctors put exceeding pressure on these mental health pro's, to have me admitted to a psych ward. The mental health people refused.
It actually took a lot of guts, and a lot of strength, to stand up to all of that pressure. I could hear the doctors gathering and yelling, and they took the time to point out very SPECIFIC posts from my blog to the mental health guys. The mental health guys intuited something else was going on. I told them about some of the medical malpractice issues at hand, and I think they just "knew" something wasn't right.

I came VERY close to being admitted to a psych ward, I believe, more than once, and I successfully escaped. I knew if they got that far, I would have an extremely difficult time ever being able to tell my story or get the information out that I needed to get out, and not have it prejudiced first.

I remember, after going to ER the one time, where I was really shocked badly (I don't know else to explain it), and the time that Jeff from the ambulance was really nervous and scared, because of all my heart and blood pressure issues, that time, it was so bad, and they got to me fast enough to see the effect it had on me shortly after it happened. It hadn't had time to wear off. I was still in this state when they brought the mental health guy in. I remember the mental health guy looked at me and said he was going to ask me some questions. Basically, my name, date of birth, who was the President, general stuff. He asked the first question, and I knew it, but I was so stunned still, I couldn't remember. My thinking was completely disoriented so that my memory was affected. Then I saw his look, and that he was about to leave, and I knew, "pronounce" me "nuts" or something, and I immediately thought about my son and I think somehow I prayed even if it was just my spirit praying out to God to help me and I blurted out, "WAIT! WAIT!" and I was stalling for time so I could try to remember this very basic piece of information. I kept talking as I was trying to remember. I said things like, "I know the answer, please sit down." And he stopped, turned around and looked at me, sat down, and I gave him the correct answer, and then I proceeded to give him correct and fluid answers on every question he asked. He looked stunned. Then, the ER doctor came in and was FURIOUS with me and looked stunned.

They hadn't expected me to be able to do it, and I have questioned WHY they would think I couldn't do it. I feel someone there KNEW what was going on and that it wasn't mental, and they were shocked that I was able to respond, knowing what I was being subjected to.

But I did it, and then the doctor, FURIOUS as hell, brought in mental health counselor Number Two, who declared me sane as well. And of course, as time wore on, the effects dissipated so I was functional again and I was able to tell Number Two more of the details and be animated and cheerful and bright-eyed as well.

I fought.

And I don't care what anyone says, I know that I won.

I took my son home with me that day, even as the ER doctor threatened me and announced he didn't care if the mental health people decided I was sane, HE was calling CPS to have THEM take my son away, that very night. So he called, and no one from CPS could go out, or would go out, that night. My stomach was in a lot of pain from whatever it was that was happening. I was in very serious pain, but it went away, generally, within the usual 45 minutes-hour, but I was there longer because of having to talk to the mental health people.

I took my son home, and I knew I had to leave. I didn't want to go to Canada, first choice, because I'd told Christa I would go there when I was actually lying and planned to fly somewhere else. But in the months preceding departure, I realized it was the only place I could AFFORD to go, without passports and avoiding detection, possibly. I also thought perhaps someone within their medical system would help me and my son. But we were set up to fail there, too, because whoever they knew in Canada, saw to it.

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