Saturday, November 22, 2008

TTSOML #215: RCMP Questions Why I've Been Targeted

Most of the RCMP guys at the jail looked very perplexed and concerned about everything. They wondered why such a big deal was being made out of ME. They also knew what Radi was ordering was illegal. I was supposed to have a phone call and other rights I was refused.

So then I get into the car with this other RCMP guy and he tells me he knows something is up. He said something wasn't right, and he wanted me to tell him what was going on, as quickly as I could, as he took me to the airport. He said I only had so many minutes. He said this whole thing involving me was very suspicious and why was I being singled out as if I were a terrorist or a wanted killer. He asked me if there was a warrant out for my arrest, and said it was highly unusual that anyone in Canada would care if I was a mother trying to leave with my son. He said people who are confirmed criminals were able to come to Canada and go underground for 15 years, and no one cared that much or made a big deal about it. But he said with me, I was clearly being treated differently.

He said this kind of thing was simply unheard of in Canada. He said no one would be that interested in me, unless I'd committed some major crime. But, he said, right from the start I had people on my tail and telling me to leave the country, and then 2 weeks later I was being jailed and picked up...he said it wouldn't happen unless there was a concerted effort against me and he asked me who I had made mad.

He wanted to know, too, who was behind things in the U.S. He said what was happening to me didn't add up.

So I told him as much as I could, as quickly as I could, but how do I tell my story in 20 minutes?

At least I knew there was at least ONE person in Canada, even an RCMP guy, who said something wasn't right. He knew it, and he actually told me some other guys had said the same thing to him, that something wasn't right.

They were damn right about that.

All Canadians are not bad.

Just the ones who were set up to work against me should I ever leave for Canada, who had probably been set up long ago.

I also didn't know what people from my own country had written about me--the lies, and things the AG in Wenatchee wrote, incredible and false drummed up allegations, to try to get me and my son returned to the U.S.

They even used a nationwide or statewide criminal database to "alert" people about me.

Having zero grounds to do so, as my departure from the U.S. was fully legal, even according to Olympia CPS, from the very start. I also did nothing criminal or against immigration in Canada, but they lied about that, and lied to my own family about it as well.

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