Saturday, November 22, 2008

TTSOML #216: Flight & Dog Pen To Vancouver, B.C.

The RCMP guy dropped me off, looking very troubled. I thanked him and was greeted by two security guards or escorts who were hired to escort me on the plane and everywhere else.

I was one big bad bad-ass mommy. Russ Radi not only ordered I be handcuffed, but his immigration people PAID for two large escorts to accompany me, on a PLANE no less (at least no one can say Canada didn't try to accomodate for my physical disabliities of broken tailbone, at least initially).

The escorts were very serious but I talked to them and they began to relax. It was a small private type of plane.

They flew me to Vancouver, B.C. and then I was handcuffed again, and thrown into a CAGE inside of an immigration van. A very small cage made out of something that looked like heavy-duty chicken wire. I was thrown in with two men who were in the men's cage next to mine, who sounded normal at first, and then, I realized, they were totally off of their rockers. Legitimately nuts. Well, one of them was.

The handcuffs hurt and it was a ways to the immigration detention center. I arrive, and the guard there was very nice.

He looked at me like what in the blue moon was I doing THERE? They took my shoes and gave me some things and I was let into the room. There was a large living area with a table and a t.v., and then there was an area for showering. At least they had hot showers and that's what I did first.

I was all alone. Until I was joined by two Korean women who were sobbing, in tears, and who knew almost absolutely ZERO English.

They were telling me they were being deported for staying past visas and that they'd been "rounded" up and one was told she had to go home right away even though she thought she could stay longer.

I decided, as long as I was there, to help them out with a little good old-fashioned legal advice, which I'm sure immigration didn't appreciate.

The guards on the other side of the room were a bunch of retired military guys. Really nice. Really nice group of guys that would have been hitting on me if there had only been a bar and cocktails between us.

I never cried.

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