Saturday, November 22, 2008

TTSOML #216: Immigration Detention Center in Vancouver, B.C.

I suppose I got an insider view of the system in Canada. That's one thing that kept me going, even in the jail in Canada, was knowing I was getting an inside peek at things, and most people didn't know how articulate I can be in making observations. So I made note of everything, and figured if I did not use it as evidence, it was at least new information, and information I could even use in writing a book one day.

And no matter how bad any experience is, if you're a writer, you know it's material you can create with. Doing all those things to me was like throwing a bunch of paint tubes at me. Thanks, because this is something I can work with people. Really colorful...thank you!

So these Korean women were sobbing and traumatized and I tried to play a game of Checkers with them but couldn't remember how to play. Then I gave them legal advice, not to believe a word the immigration people told them and to not SAY a word to them either, until they talked to a lawyer. They told me they were being told they had to fly out on their own expense right away and I told them, no, they had to be provided with a lawyer and a hearing first. I also told them to try to find a private attorney who would help them. So I showed them how to use the phone, and gave them the number I had been given, for the immigration lawyers.

Suddenly, our phone service was down and we were told it wasn't working for some reason. They couldn't get through. After I complained, it got fixed and calls were made, but someone didn't want calls to go out initially. And I don't think it was the elderly military men who were winking at me throught the glass either. I was the hot redhead and they weren't messing with me. I was their version of Rita Hayworth.

After some time, I asked the women if they liked to sing and what songs. So I started singing and they wanted me to sing some more, and they joined in to sing. They wanted a lot of Christina Aguillera and Mariah Carey. They really liked "Hero". I sang "Hero" with them a few times. Then, I was singing "Chain of Fools" and we were marching around the table singing. The guards were looking over. I think they kind of liked me and kind of 'wondered' at that point. Rita was supposed to sit still and look pretty, not parade around the table and stir up the Asians into rousing renditions of pop music.

There was nothing good on T.V. I saw part of "Fried Green Tomatoes" and that was the only good show I saw. I didn't sleep there either. I don't remember getting any sleep for almost a week, and amazingly, I didn't hallucinate either. I hear you start seeing things after not sleeping for awhile, but I didn't.

When I left, the guards were nice to me. I never had a problem with any of them, although some were a little harsher with the Asian women who didn't speak any English. The food was a LOT better in the detention center than it was in the jail.

I was summoned to leave for meeting the lawyers and going to a hearing.

What happens, is, well, I'll make another post about this part of the process.


  1. Hello. I realize that it might seem strange that I'm commenting on your post, but please allow me to explain myself.

    I am a journalism student at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. I am writing my masters thesis on immigration detention centres in Canada, focusing on the Vancouver centre. If it is at all possible, I would like to speak with you about your experience there as part of my research.

    There is very little mention of Canada's immigration detention centres in either the media or in academic literature. Many Canadians are not even aware that we have such facilities, or how many people go through them every year. As such, your contributions could potentially be very valuable for the public discourse.

    If you would be interested in talking with me, please feel free to email me at leslie.young1(at) . Either way, I wish you the best of luck.

  2. Hi Leslie,

    I'd be happy to help. I don't know where I put it, but I took down the name and information of the woman from N. Ireland when I spoke with her, because I thought her account was interesting myself. I have since moved around so much I don't know if I can find it. I know enough about her though, and what date her hearing was (same day as mine) so maybe you would be able to request info from the detention center.

    At any rate, I'll contact you by email, but I do warn you, I've had so many problems with email and hacking, just know anything we communicate about will potentially be viewed by others. Also, I've had friends who begin having problems with their accounts after they email me, so I want to forewarn you. This hasn't happened for awhile, but still.

    At any rate, thanks for contacting me. And thanks for the good luck wishes as well.

  3. Hello,

    I just came across your site again and noticed that you had responded to my comment. I'm so sorry that it took me so long to get back to you - I never received your email.

    I would still be interested in talking to you about your experiences. If you're still interested, please try again to send me an email. If the gmail address I provided does not work, please feel free to try my hotmail at fuzzy_nosed_wombat [at] .

    Again, I am truly sorry that I never responded. I really do hope to hear from you again.
