Monday, November 24, 2008

TTSOML #221: The Immigration Hearing

I was told we were not asking for political asylum. So it was about whether I was in the country legally or not. But like I said, it was about a half hour--or, given the second conversation with the supervisor in tow, maybe an hour at most, total time combined.

They showed me some of the papers, but I didn't realize these immigration attorneys had a bunch of paperwork and documentation on me they weren't allowing me to see.

They kept relevant information from me, regarding what the U.S. was saying about me. What "Washington authorities" were saying about me.

I went into the hearing room where there were a couple of Border/Immigration patrol type people there. A man and a woman who stood by. Then there was a judge at the front, and the attorney for immigration to one side of the room, and me and my two "attorneys" on the other side.

When the hearing began, it started off on the wrong foot. First of all, the "supervisor" guy stood up and announced to the judge that he was there to speak for me because of "incapacity" issues. The two of them, the judge and the lawyer, tried to conceal what was going on through obscure legal terminology, but I caught on immediately. Basically, what "my guy" was telling the judge, was that I was too mentally ill to understand and participate in the process and that he was called in to "assist". I objected on the spot, and said, "Your Honor!" and said I did not NEED, nor did I WANT, that man to speak for me, and that I was perfectly capable of speaking for myself and misled as to what this "attorneys" role was from the start.

The judge looked amused at first. The attorney "speaking for me" did not. The judge allowed this guy to stay on. So then I was sitting there, realizing I was being railroaded left and right, and I'm sitting right next to the other lawyer and what do I see?

Distracted, he had left his paperwork out in the open where I could see it. I began to read from the side, without his notice. I almost passed out on the spot. It was incredible. There was an entire "report" about me, written by Canadian immigration and with assistance by Washington state, that made me sound like a raving lunatic and mental case.

I read that I had allegedly gone to ER because of a suicide attempt. That was the first lie. Then I read a bunch of other lies, culminating in the claim Washington authorities announced I was suffering from very severe symptoms of Paranoid Schitzophrenia with delusions, paranoia, and the works.

These immigration lawyers, supposedly representing ME, did not tell me this, allude to this, or share any of the information with me. After I'd read enough, I snapped to my lawyer, "I want a copy of this. You didn't tell me about this at all."

Then I attempted to speak up for myself and tell the judge I had not been made aware of any of the allegations and reports against me. The judge had been given copies of this same shit, and he was reading it quietly to himself. In the meantime, my lawyers made no defense for me, did not say it was untrue, and simply made a lousy defense, not really a defense at all.

I got upset, and I almost started to cry, and instead I think I talked over the lawyers, but I did not swear or use any form of physical aggression. I told the judge, loudly, that this wasn't really a trial at all, and that I was not being allowed to see charges and reports against me, and that I had just now read some of the horrible things being written about me, which were false, and I didn't want "THAT man" over there speaking for me when I was not mentally ill and could speak for myself. I also told the Judge I had been going through all proper channels and that my son was wrongfully taken from me, and that I had not violated ANY immigration law at all.

The judge didn't like the fact I got upset and was insulting my immigration lawyers by calling them on the spot, and he just ruled against me without further ado, claiming I had been trying to become a Canadian citizen illegally and that I was to be deported to the U.S. immediately, and that I was not to enter Canada for one year following the deportation.

I began to cry and then I got angry and said this was WRONG, and if I didn't say it was BULLSHIT, I wish I had. Then, I got MORE discovery and information as to how I was being railroaded, as I walked past the immigration attorneys desk.

He had his folder open, and right on the TOP, was the defamatory article about me, published by The Willamette Week.

This was the first thing in the Canadian immigration file against me. A defamatory article that made me sound like I had harassed monks, tried to seduce one, and committed misdemeanor crimes in retaliation, which made me sound unbalanced and ill.

Someone had given Canada that article, or pointed it out to them. That article, which was false on its face, was used against me with other things, to try to damage my reputation and character.

It was propoganda.

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